IUNGO Plugin is made to interact with the IUNGO Discord Music Bot.
Please note: Use of this plugin requires the IUNGO DISCORD BOT to be inside your Discord Server. https://iungobot.net/invite
NEED HELP?: Find me on Discord Ethan Primmer#1089 Webpage coming soon
GuildID: "xxxxxxxxxx" apiToken: "xxxxxxxxxx"
GuildID and apiToken can both be found at IUNGO Dashboard or by using /dashboard inside your discord server (assuming IUNGO is inside your server)
endpoint: "api.iungobot.net" Must be a valid IUNGO endpoint
Accepted Command Prefix /iungo EXAMPLE: /iungo play /iungobot EXAMPLE: /iungobot play /i EXAMPLE: /i play /music EXAMPLE: /music play Commands Currently Available on minecraft. /iungo play - Add a new song to the current IUNGO Discord Music Queue. /iungo pause - Pause the current music playing from the IUNGO Discord Bot. /iungo resume - Resume the current music from the IUNGO Music Bot. /iungo skip - Skip the current song from the IUNGO Music Bot. /iungo volume - Set the volume of the IUNGO Music Bot /iungo queue - View and edit the current music queue /iungo help - View the commands /iungo reload - Reload IUNGO config.yml /iungo dashboard - Visit the server dashboard site /iungo clearcooldown - Clear user cooldowns REQUIRES: IUNGO Discord Bot
Permissions required for command usage. iungo.play - Allows user to add music to queue iungo.pause - Allow user to pause the music iungo.resume - Allow user to resume the music iungo.skip - Allow user to skip the music iungo.queue - View the music queue iungo.volume - Allow user to change the music volume iungo.admin.reload - Allows staff to reload IUNGO Config.yml iungo.admin.clearcooldown iungo.admin.dashboard iungo.admin.reload iungo.admin.updatenotify