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Velocity global chat/discord bridge

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Velocity Discord

Chat from all servers gets bridged with a discord channel


  • Configurable
  • Webhooks or embeds or normal text for messages
  • Player count in bot status
  • List command
  • Templating syntax for all messages
  • Death and Advancement messages shown
  • Server start/stop messages
  • Server status in channel topic
  • Reload command for config changes while the server is running

Note This requires a companion Velocity plugin and companion backend mod/plugin for advancement/death messages


  1. Create a bot application here
    • Go to the Bot tab and click Add bot
  2. Enable the SERVER MEMBERS INTENT and MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT under Privileged Gateway Intents
  3. Copy the bot's token, you might have to click Reset Token first
  4. Install the plugin on your server, start the server once, then stop the server again
  5. Open the plugin config file at plugins/discord/config.toml
  6. Under [discord], paste your token in place of TOKEN
  7. Under [discord], paste the channel id you want to use
    • To get a channel id, you have to enable developer mode in Discord
    • Open Discord settings, go to Advanced, then turn on Developer Mode
    • Now right-click the channel you want to use and click Copy ID
  8. Set any additional config options you want
  9. Start the server and check if it works

For Webhooks

  1. Create a webhook in the channel you want to use
    • Right-click the channel, click Edit Channel, go to Integrations, click Create Webhook
    • Copy the webhook URL
  2. Paste the webhook URL under [discord.webhook] in the config file

For advancements/deaths

  1. Install the YepLib velocity plugin alongside this plugin
  2. Install the YepTwo backend mod/plugin on each of your backend servers that you want to receive advancements/deaths from


Default config generated on startup:

# Don't change this
config_version = "1.9"

# Comma separated list of server names to exclude from the bridge (defined under [servers] inside your velocity.toml)
# e.g., exclude_servers = ["lobby", "survival"]
exclude_servers = []
excluded_servers_receive_messages = false

# How often to ping all servers to check for online status (seconds)
# Set to 0 to disable
# Excluded servers will not be pinged
ping_interval = 30

# Bot token from https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
token = "TOKEN"
# Channel ID to send Minecraft chat messages to
channel = "000000000000000000"

# Show messages from bots in Minecraft chat
show_bot_messages = false
# Show clickable links for attachments in Minecraft chat
show_attachments_ingame = true

# Show a text as playing activity of the bot
show_activity = true
# Activity text of the bot to show in Discord
# Placeholders available: {amount}
activity_text = "with {amount} players online"

# Enable mentioning Discord users from Minecraft chat
enable_mentions = true
# Enable @everyone and @here pings from Minecraft chat
enable_everyone_and_here = false

# OPTIONAL - Configuration for updating the Discord channel topic
# Set the interval (in minutes) for updating the channel topic.
# Use a value less than 10 to disable this feature.
update_channel_topic_interval = -1

# Template for the channel topic.
# Placeholders available:
# {players} - Total number of players online
# {player_list} - List of players (format is defined below)
# {servers} - Number of servers
# {server_list} - List of server names
# {hostname} - Server hostname
# {port} - Server port
# {motd} - Message of the Day (MOTD)
# {query_port} - Query port
# {max_players} - Maximum number of players
# {plugins} - Number of plugins
# {plugin_list} - List of plugin names
# {version} - Server version
# {software} - Software name
# {average_ping} - Average ping of all players
# {uptime} - Server uptime in hours and minutes
# {server[SERVERNAME]} - Dynamic placeholder for each server's name and status (e.g., {server[MyServer]}, {server[AnotherServer]}, {server[Lobby]}, etc.)
topic = """{players}/{max_players}
Uptime: {uptime}"""

# Template for server[SERVERNAME] placeholder in the channel topic.
# Placeholders available: {name}, {players}, {max_players}, {motd}, {version}, {protocol}
topic_server = "{name}: {players}/{max_players}"

# Template for server[SERVERNAME] placeholder in the channel topic when the server is offline.
# Placeholders available: {name}
topic_server_offline = "{name}: Offline"

# Can be disabled to hide the list completely when no players are online
topic_player_list_no_players_header = "No players online"

# Can be disabled to hide the header and only show the player list
topic_player_list_header = "Players: "

# Placeholders available: {username}, {ping}
topic_player_list_player = "{username}"

# Separator between players in the list, \n can be used for new line
topic_player_list_separator = ", "

# Maximum number of players to show in the topic
# Set to < 1 to show all players
topic_player_list_max_count = 10

# Full webhook URL to send more fancy Minecraft chat messages to
webhook_url = ""
# Full URL of an avatar service to get the player's avatar from
# Placeholders available: {uuid}, {username}
avatar_url = "https://visage.surgeplay.com/face/96/{uuid}"

# The format of the webhook's username
# Placeholders available: {username}, {server}
webhook_username = "{username}"

# Minecraft > Discord message formats
# Uses the same formatting as the Discord client (a subset of markdown)
# Messages can be disabled with empty string ("") or false
# x_message_type can be one of the following:
# "text"  - Normal text only message with the associated x_message format
# "embed" - Discord embed with the associated x_message format as the description field
# Default for all is "text"
# x_message_embed_color is the color of the embed, in #RRGGBB format

# Placeholders available: {username}, {prefix}, {server}, {message}
# Can be disabled
message = "{username}: {message}"

# for user messages, the following types can be used
# "text"    - Normal text only message with the above
# "webhook" - Use a Discord webhook to have the bot use the player's username and avatar when sending messages
#             Requires a webhook URL to be set below
#             Ignores the above message format, and just sends the message as the content of the webhook
# "embed"   - Discord embed with the above format as the description field
message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
message_embed_color = ""

# Placeholders available: {username}, {prefix}, {server}
# Can be disabled
join_message = "**{username} joined the game**"
join_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
join_message_embed_color = "#40bf4f"

leave_message = "**{username} left the game**"
leave_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
leave_message_embed_color = "#bf4040"

# Possible different format for timeouts or other terminating connections
# Placeholders available: {username}, {prefix}
# Can be disabled
disconnect_message = "**{username} disconnected**"
disconnect_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
disconnect_message_embed_color = "#bf4040"

# Placeholders available: {username}, {prefix}, {current}, {previous}
# Can be disabled
server_switch_message = "**{username} moved to {current} from {previous}**"
server_switch_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
server_switch_message_embed_color = "#40bf4f"

# Placeholders available: {username}, {death_message}
# death_message includes the username just as it is shown ingame
# Can be disabled
death_message = "**{death_message}**"
death_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
death_message_embed_color = "#bf4040"

# Placeholders available: {username}, {advancement_title}, {advancement_description}
# Can be disabled
advancement_message = "**{username} has made the advancement __{advancement_title}__**\n_{advancement_description}_"
advancement_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
advancement_message_embed_color = "#40bf4f"

# Can be disabled
proxy_start_message = "**Proxy started**"
proxy_start_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
proxy_start_message_embed_color = "#40bf4f"

# Can be disabled
proxy_stop_message = "**Proxy stopped**"
proxy_stop_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
proxy_stop_message_embed_color = "#bf4040"

# Placeholders available: {server}
# Can be disabled
server_start_message = "**{server} has started**"
server_start_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
server_start_message_embed_color = "#40bf4f"

# Placeholders available: {server}
# Can be disabled
server_stop_message = "**{server} has stopped**"
server_stop_message_type = "text"
# Can be disabled
server_stop_message_embed_color = "#bf4040"

enabled = true

# Ephemeral messages are only visible to the user who sent the command
ephemeral = true

# Placeholders available: {server_name}, {online_players}, {max_players}
server_format = "[{server_name} {online_players}/{max_players}]"

# Placeholders available: {username}
player_format = "- {username}"

# Can be disabled
no_players = "No players online"

# Can be disabled
server_offline = "Server offline"
codeblock_lang = "asciidoc"

# Discord > Minecraft message formats
# Uses XML-like formatting with https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html
# Placeholders available: {discord}
discord_chunk = "<dark_gray>[<{discord_color}>Discord<dark_gray>]<reset>"

# Placeholders available: {role_color}, {display_name}, {username}, {nickname}
# <insert> tag allows you to shift right-click the username to insert @{username} in the chat
username_chunk = "<{role_color}><insert:@{username}><hover:show_text:{display_name}>{nickname}</hover></insert><reset>"

# Placeholders available: {discord_chunk}, {username_chunk}, {attachments}, {message}
message = "{discord_chunk} {username_chunk}<dark_gray>: <reset>{message} {attachments}"

# Placeholders available: {url}, {attachment_color}
attachments = "<dark_gray><click:open_url:{url}>[<{attachment_color}>Attachment<dark_gray>]</click><reset>"

# Colors for the <{discord_color}> and <{attachment_color}> tags
discord_color = "#7289da"
attachment_color = "#4abdff"


Published onApril 23, 2023

Pinned Versions
