Proxy based ScreenShare plugin: fast and network ready. (Spigot, Paper, Folia, BungeeCord and Velocity support)
CleanScreenShare, an hack control plugin, made for networks.
CleanScreenShare is a plugin that allows staff to take players suspected of using client hacks/cheats to a separate server for inspection. It creates a private chat between the two and offers many features such as a scoreboard/tab (different for suspect and administrator). Requires a separate server, dedicated purely to hack checks. It supports multiple control servers and teleportation to these is balanced according to preference (you can set the sorting type in config.yml).
Click here to see the plugin's wiki
Commands & Permissions
Click here to see all commands and permissions!
Click here to see all placeholders (Supported in Bukkit Addon)
- Multiple hack control servers;
- Multiple fallback servers;
- 3 types of sorting strategy (LEAST_PLAYERS, MOST_PLAYERS, RANDOM);
- Spectator mode with the command /sspectator (server);
- Auto ban that supports ALL ban plugins;
- Auto detect if the control server goes offline and then stop the control;
- Titles for suspect and for administrator, all configurable with placeholders;
- Backend server (spigot) addon: With scoreboard/tablist and placeholderapi support with a lot of placeholders that you can see in the Wiki! It can also teleport administrator/suspect/spectators to different spawns;
- Support for ALL fallback plugin, like FallbackServer;
- Does not require a database, but MySQL support is here!
- /ssinfo command to see informations about an user;
- Open Source, you can modify this plugin as you want;
- Discord Support: you can send on discord messages on start/end control with administrator/suspect name placeholders and messages for start/end spectator mode, you can also see the result of the control with the placeholder %result%;
- Lot of options to customize the plugin.
CleanScreenShare is compatible with Velocity, BungeeCord (& forks), Spigot (& forks), Folia.
Category | Admin Tools |
Published on | May 21, 2023 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 9 |
Stars | 0 |
Watchers | 0 |