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A plugin to make players lose a percentage or fixed amount of money on death.
- /dpreload
- deathpenalty.reload
- deathpenalty.bypass
- Vault
default config.yml
# ======================================
# DeathPenalty
# Created by EnderTweaks
# ======================================
# Valid options are "percentage" and "fixed"
lossType: "percentage"
# The percentage of total money players will lose on death
# Only used if lossType is set to "percentage"
percentageLost: 50
# The fixed amount of money players will lose on death
# Only used if lossType is set to "fixed"
amountLost: 100
# The minimum balance player has to have in order to lose money on death
# If you want the penalty to apply on death regardless of the player's balance,
# setting this to 0 will effectively mean that this option is disabled
minimumBalance: 1000
# Messages
prefix: "&6[&c&lDP&6]&r "
reloadConfig: "&bThe config has been reloaded."
deathMessage: "&cYou died and lost &7$%amount%&c!"
belowMinimumBalance: "&cYou got away from the death penalty this time."
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