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Display a custom banner over the tab, simple and easy (LabyMod 4 required).

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Display a custom banner over the tab, simple and easy (LabyMod 4 required).


The LabyMod API plugin is required for BannerForLabyMod to work, download it together with BannerForLabyMod here. The download should start immediately.

(If you are NOT using PaperMC/Spigot/Bukkit you can find the appropriate version of the LabyMod API here. Make sure you download version 1.0.5).

In addition the aspect ratio of the image must be 5:1 and the recommended resolution is 1280x256 pixels. If you scale the image higher, always keep the ratio 5:1!



How it works

Every player who uses the client LabyMod 4 will see a banner above the TabList. It's as simple as it sounds. LabyMod is a German Survival/PvP client with over 4 million unique users. Try it out! Go to LabyMod's Website


  • High-resolution banners up to 5K
  • Easy handling
  • Simple config
  • No impact on performance


No permission is required for the players. All players using the client LabyMod 4 will see the banner.


Simple config. Just change the link to your own personalized banner link (make sure it is a direct link).

# ==========================================
# BannerForLabyMod – config.yml
# ==========================================
# Here you can change the url of the banner:
# Make sure you use a direct link, where only the picture is opened!
# ==========================================
# When you create a banner:
# Please note the aspect ratio of the image must be 5:1 and the recommended resolution is 1280x256 pixels!
# ==========================================

banner_url: "https://i.ibb.co/7rBhrfn/example.png"

Bug report

Please report any bugs via discord (add hassanbwo). I will guarantee quick help - Thanks for supporting :)


Published onJanuary 5, 2025

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