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A simple stylistic AFK plugin with holograms which is fully customisable. Check the gallery.
- Built on the principle of not stealing performance
- With /afk a player can put himself in afk mode
- kick-feature: The player is kicked from the server after a certain time
- immortality-feature: AFK players are invulnerable and cannot take damage
- Holograms integrated to make the afk display more modern and clearer
- Completely customisable
- Each message and time values can be changed in the config
No permission is required for the players. The AFK plugin applies to all players.
Bug report & support
If you need help or have a bug please contact me via discord (add hassanbwo). I will guarantee quick help - Thanks for supporting :)
Simple config. Change the messages and time values according to your wishes. Minecraft color codes (use &) fully integrated!
# ==========================================
# BetterAFK – config.yml
# ==========================================
# Here you can customise all messages and times according to your wishes.
# Minecraft color codes are possible with a "&"
# Times are measured in seconds (e.g. 5 minutes = 300 seconds)
# Check the plugin page for more information:
# https://modrinth.com/plugin/betterafk
# ==========================================
# If you need help or have a bug please contact me via discord (add hassanbwo). I will guarantee quick help - Thanks for supporting :)
# ==========================================
# Here you can change the time for when a player is automatically set afk
# Default true and after 180 seconds
timeout: 180
# Here you can deactivate the tab prefix
# Default true
enabled: true
value: " &c&lAFK"
# Here you can deactivate the symbol (the barrier) over the holograms if you don't like it
# Default true
barrier: true
# Here you can select if a player should be kicked after a certain time and the message if so
# Default true and after 600 seconds
enabled: true
time: 600
message: "&7You were &ckicked &7for being AFK too long!"
# Here you can choose if a player should be invulnerable and immortal after a certain time in afk mode and the message if so
# Note: a value of over 3 seconds is recommended to prevent players from exploiting this feature
# Default true and after 600 seconds
enabled: true
delay: 10
message: "&7You are now &dinvulnerable &7due to AFK mode!"
# Here you can customise all messages and the holograms to your liking
# Use these placeholders:
# %player% - The name of the AFK player
# %time% - Minutes a player is/was AFK
# %unit% - The correct unit (minute/minutes)
chat_afk_start: "&d%player% &7is now &c&lAFK&7."
chat_afk_end: "&d%player% &7is no longer &c&lAFK &7after &c%time% &7%unit%."
hologram_line1: "&c&lAFK"
hologram_line2: "&7since %time% %unit%"
player_list_afk_suffix: " &c&lAFK"
Category | Miscellaneous |
Published on | January 10, 2025 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 26 |
Stars | 2 |
Watchers | 2 |
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