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Lets players type number abbreviations like "15k" and "1.25M" in commands. Simple, lightweight, and configurable.

Report BigSpender?

Example Config

To help you get a feel for the plugin and its capabilities, this is the default config included with the plugin.

# This is where you define your abbreviations. Should be a suffix followed by a multiplier.
# The suffix MUST be letters only, otherwise the plugin will reject it.
# Example format - "k 1000". Also supports exponential notation. Example - "M 1e6"
# NOTE: BigSpender can support nearly-infinite large numbers.
# However, many economy plugins only allow maximum balances of $10T or so.
  - "k 1000"
  - "M 1000000"
  - "B 1000000000"
  - "T 1000000000000"
  - "Q 1e15"
# Are the above abbreviations case sensitive?
case-sensitive: false

# Add your commands, along with the argument number(s) that we should substitute, seperated by spaces.
# The arguments start from 1, so if you want to substitute the fifth argument in the "foo" command,
# you would add "foo 5". If you ALSO want the second argument to be substituted, you'd do "foo 2 5".
# These entries are always case insensitive when matching to user input.
# You can also specify subcommands such as the "auc bid" example below. 
# The argument numbers start counting after the subcommand like you'd expect.
# Subcommands are matched longest-first, so "foo bar baz" would match before "foo bar", which matches before "foo"
# IMPORTANT: If a command has multiple aliases, you need to add each one separately. (e.g. "auc" and "auction")
  - "pay 2" # "/pay Steve 1.337B"
  - "eco 3" # "/eco give Alex 3.5T" (this entry also works for "take"; "reset" has no third argument)
  - "economy 3" # alias of eco
  - "auc bid 1" # "/auc bid 12k"
  - "auction bid 1" # alias of auc
  - "auc start 2" # "/auc start 64 7.2M"
  - "auction start 2" # alias of auc

# Prints extra info to the console when the plugin processes a command.
# Useful for figuring out problems with your config. Required if asking for support.
verbose: false