Welcome to the Hangar Open Beta. Please report any issue you encounter on GitHub!
This plugin is not fully tested!!! this means there might be some bugs If you have any problems / any bugs, please contact me by email at [EMAIL][email protected][/EMAIL] or say on the "Discussion" page of this plugin.
Note: This plugin is 100% original code!
This plugin use diamond as money!
- empire:
- /empire (or /e for short) is the most important command in this plugin
- This allows players to create an empire, cost can be configured in the config.yml
- note: all cost in this plugin is in diamonds
- every player can only be in at most 1 empire
- every empire can have unlimited lands, but the cost of claiming new land will be larger when the empire has more lands
- all the lands in this plugin are chunks
- players can attack another empire. When they are attacking, they can stay in one of the enemy's chunks for 1200 ticks(configurable) to conquer that chunk.
- in an empire, there is a power system. level 1 can go into the empire, level 2 can destroy and build in the empire, level 3 can promote a member that is level 1~2, and level 4 is the leader of the empire.
- commands: /e create - create an empire, this can cost diamonds /e remove - remove the current empire you are in(need level 4) /e set <true/false>:
- /e set public - if everyone can join the empire(when they first join they will be level 1)
- /e set glow - if players that are in the empire will glow while they are moving
- /e set mining_fatigue - if players that are in the empire and not a member of the empire will have a slow digging effect when the empire is under attack(cost a configurable amount of diamond) (This one doesn't require a third argument)
- /e set guard - upgrade(This one doesn't require a third argument) /e query - check which empire you currently in /e kick - kick a member(need level 4) /e leave - leave the empire you currently in /e claim - claim the chunk you currently are in /e level - set the level of one of your empire members (need level 3+) /e map - show a map of nearby empires and more...
Category | World Management |
Published on | August 9, 2023 |
License | Unspecified |
Downloads | 38 |
Stars | 1 |
Watchers | 0 |