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A simple DeathChest plugin free of headaches!

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[INDENT]## What is ResurrectionChest?[/INDENT]

@[YouTube](https://youtu.be/zgpSsu9NoXA) ###### ***Video explanation***

ResurrectionChest is a very simple DeathChest plugin. Players set up a deathchest using a chest and a sign at some location ahead of time, and when they die the items they would've dropped get transferred to the chest instead. If the chest is full, the items are lost. It is compatible with double chests and hoppers.


[INDENT]How do players setup a ResurrectionChest?[/INDENT]

@[YouTube](https://youtu.be/unMSW2WL2AE) ###### ***Video guide***
  • Place down a chest (can even be a double chest. For this first version, only normal chests work, not shulker boxes or trapped chests)
  • While sneaking, place a sign on the chest
  • Write: [deathchest] (works on the first couple of lines of the sign)
  • That's it!


https://i.imgur.com/Bzvv3H9.png https://i.imgur.com/WclIi6L.png

https://i.imgur.com/bvj90HX.png https://i.imgur.com/eScvxTS.png **## ** How do you install this plugin?[/INDENT]

Just drag and drop the ResurrectionChest.jar file into your plugins folder! It has no dependencies.

[INDENT]Permissions and commands:[/INDENT]

There is only one permission: resurrectionchest.use . It is true by default, so you'll have to add a negative permission to disable it for a group or player (-resurrectionchest.use). There are no commands.

[INDENT]Is this compatible with X world / chest protection system?[/INDENT]

This plugin was designed to avoid as many plugin conflicts as possible. All it does is add thing to a chest if the player has set that chest up properly. It should not have any conflicts with most protection systems, and death chests should be get protected by other plugins with no issues whatsoever.

[INDENT]How much can I configure / customize this?[/INDENT]

This is an early release of the plugin, if there is enough interest I will add more customization options.


Published onApril 23, 2023

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