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Easy plugin for an itemspawner. Spawn items where and when you want!

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Commands - Permissions - Config - Languages


PrefiX contains a language file in order to let you customize the messages. You can adapt those messages to your own language.

Below you can find some other languages provided by the community. If you have your own language file and want to publish it you can create a pull request on GitLab or send it at the Discord Server.

prefix: "&6ItemSpawner &3➢ "

  header: "&6&m&l+--------------&6&l= &eItemSpawner &6&l=&6&m&l--------------+"
  footer: "&6&m&l+-----------------------------------------+"
    unknown: "&cUnknown command. Please use '&4/%COMMAND% help&c'"
    format: "&cPlease use the following format: &4%FORMAT%"
    no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command."
    player-only: "&cThis command is for players only."
    succeeded: "&2Command successfully executed."
      page: "&6Page &f%AMOUNT% &6of &f%TOTAL%"
      command: "&a- %COMMAND%"
      description: "   &b%DESCRIPTION%"
    number: "&c%NUMBER% &4isn't a valid amount."
    argument: "&4Invalid argument &c%ARGUMENT%"
    administrator: "&4Something went wrong. Try again or contact the administrator."
    exists: "&cSpawner with that name already exists!"
    non-exists: "&cSpawner with that name doesn't exists!"
    air: "&cSpawner cannot be set to air!"
    success: "&2Successfully reloaded the config files."
    exception: "&c&lNote: ItemSpawner is not reloaded. Restart the server to apply those changes!"
    error: "&cAn error occurred during the reload of the config files.\n&4It's possible that the plugin is partially disabled. &cCheck the console to resolve the error."
    add: "&2Added spawner '&f%KEY%&2'"
    remove: "&2Removed spawner '&f%KEY%&2'"
      location: "&2Location updated to your position"
      material: "&2Item updated to your in-hand item: &f%MATERIAL%"
      speed: "&2Droprate updated to 1 item per &f%SPEED% &2ticks"
      range: "&2Activation range updated to &f%RANGE% &2blocks"
      lifetime: "&2Item lifetime updated &f%LIFETIME% &2ticks"
      spread: "&2Item spawn spread updated &f%SPREAD% &2blocks"
      drop-naturally: "&2Drop-naturally updated to &f%STATE%"