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Lightweight solution · Keep your server files save

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Need an easy, lightweight backup solution for your server? Look no further!
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  • Compresses your server files into a .zip
  • Exclude files you don't need from the backup (for example, your server JAR or Dynmap tiles)
  • Lightweight
  • Automatically removes old backups
  • Ability to execute terminal or in-game commands when backup is finished
  • Powerful schedule system - automatically runs your backup whenever you want
  • In-game loading bar to show backup progress
  • Automatic in-game announcements
  • Pauses autosave during backup to prevent backup corruption
  • Compatible with Windows and Linux

Getting started

  • Simply download & install the latest release as you would any other plugin.
  • Run /backup start to start creating your first backup. Players with the appropiate permission will see a progress bar in-game, and you will also see periodic status updates in the console log.
  • Finished? You can see your new backup with /backup list. Congrats, you're now one step closer to being protected from data loss! Check out the config.yml to customize your backups, like automatically running them at a specified time or excluding files you don't need.


» Q: Does EasierBackup support Google Drive, Dropbox, AWS S3, ...?
A: EasierBackup itself (currently) does not provide any support for uploading backups. However, external tools can be used via the terminal commands feature. For example, rclone is easy to use and provides support for more than 40 cloud storage services (also including SFTP).

» Q: Where are my backups located?
A: Any backups you create will be stored in a folder called 'backups' in the server root. They are not stored in the plugin config folder.

» Q: Why would I exempt files from my backups?
A: Servers contain a lot of files that aren't necessarily required to be backed up. This can include, for example, your server jar (can just be redownloaded) or Dynmap image files (can be regenerated). Excluding these can save a lot of storage space!

Need more help? Join my Discord server here!

Commands and permissions


  • /backup start - Start creating a backup.
  • /backup abort - Stops the backup. The ZIP file which was being created during the backup will be removed.
  • /backup reload - Reloads the configuration file. Cannot be used if a backup is in progress.
  • /backup list - Lists all backups currently stored. Also shows you how much time has elapsed since your last backup.

You can also use /easierbackup instead of /backup.


  • easierbackup.showprogress - Players with this permission will be shown the backup progress bar.
  • easierbackup.controlbackup - Gives you access to /backup start and /backup abort. Also shows you the backup progress bar.
  • easierbackup.list - Gives you access to /backup list.
  • easierbackup.reload - Gives you access to /backup reload.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onApril 25, 2023

Pinned Versions


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