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Minecraft plugin enabling planting crops in a configurable area (default 3x3) with one right-click.

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Plant crops in a configurable area with a single right-click!

AreaPlanter is a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper plugin that enhances the farming experience in Minecraft by allowing players to plant crops in a specified area with a single right-click. No more tedious block-by-block planting!

Example of Planting with radius set to 5:

Minecraft2024 08 05-14 58 28 11-ezgif com-optimize


  • Area Planting: Right-click on farmland with seeds to plant crops in a configurable area around the clicked block.
  • Customizable Radius: Server admins can easily adjust the planting radius by editing the config.yml file.
  • Seed Efficiency: The plugin consumes only the necessary number of seeds based on the actual planting area and available farmland.
  • Vanilla Seed Support: Supports all vanilla Minecraft seeds that can be planted on farmland.
  • Prioritized Seed Consumption: Seeds are consumed from the player's inventory first, preserving the stack in their hand whenever possible.


  1. Download: Download the latest AreaPlanter.jar file from the releases page.
  2. Install: Place the AreaPlanter.jar file into your server's plugins folder.
  3. Start/Reload: Start or reload your server to enable the plugin.
  4. Configure:  Adjust the planting radius and seed consumption behavior in the generated config.yml file within the plugins/AreaPlanter folder.


The config.yml file in the plugins/AreaPlanter folder allows you to customize the plugin's behavior:

  • planting-radius:  Sets the default planting radius (default: 3). Make sure to use an odd number to ensure a central planting block.
  • consume-from-inventory-first: Enables or disables prioritizing seed consumption from the inventory (default: true).

How it Works

  1. Right-Click: When a player right-clicks on farmland with seeds in their hand, the plugin checks the surrounding area based on the configured radius.
  2. Planting: If there's enough farmland and seeds available, the plugin plants crops around the clicked block.
  3. Seed Consumption:
    • If consume-from-inventory-first is enabled, the plugin will first attempt to consume seeds from the player's inventory, leaving the stack in their hand intact if possible.
    • Otherwise, it will consume seeds directly from the player's hand.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on GitHub.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Published onAugust 5, 2024

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