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A voucher plugin with anti-dupe custom module data and more just try to create the best of all

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A voucher plugin with anti-dupe custom module data and more just try to create the best of all

Note: The future development and maintenance of this plugin depend on its popularity and usefulness, as there may be other alternative plugins available.


  • Easy-to-use interface for hassle-free currency management.
  • Quick redemption by right-clicking.
  • Robust anti-dupe system to prevent duplication.
  • Flexibility to use any material as currency.
  • Automated punishment for attempted currency duplication.
  • Discord webhook alerts for important currency-related events.
  • sounds on redeem
  • Eye-catching currency glow effect to enhance visual appeal.
  • Display information through minimessages, actionbars, and titles.
  • Support for multi-world whitelist
  • Support any placeholder in the lore
  • hex colour support in full plugin
  • console and player command support
  • Now has GUI editor!!


  1. Download the plugin.
  2. Place the downloaded files into the 'plugins' folder of your Minecraft server.
  3. Restart the server to load the plugin.
  4. Grant the necessary permissions to players as desired.
  5. Enjoy the seamless management of vouchers.


  • /voucher give <player> <type> <arg> <minutes> (for no time limit leave it blank it takes time in minutes.)
  • /voucher giveall <type> <arg>
  • /pvadmin reload
  • /pvadmin list perms: pv.admin

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. How does the anti-dupe feature work?* A: The plugin assigns a unique UUID to each banknote when it is created and saves it. When a banknote is redeemed, the plugin checks if the UUID has been previously used, effectively preventing duplication.

Q. Is there a chance of duplicating? A: While it is technically possible to create duplicate but the plugin's anti-dupe system recognizes duplicated UUIDs and does not run any command when redeemed.

Q. Is there a risk of false bans? A: No, the plugin includes the "punishsame" option, which only issues a ban if the note creator and redeemer are the same player. Otherwise, it provides a warning and does not add currency from duplicated banknotes.

Q. Got a null error when using command? A: Install placeholderapi


  • MCbasement - $50


Your feedback and suggestions for improvements are always welcome.
If you encounter any issues, please use the discussion section of the plugin or contact us via Discord. Don't use review. review are ment for the other people to know how this plugin and the developer is.



default config

punishment: false
punishmentsame: true
punish: 'ban'
webhook: true
url: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123/blabla'
  dupe: '&cDuper found %player% is redeemer'
  banmessage: 'Found you dupe'

#The name of the voucher
    item: 'PAPER'
    name: '#f6fb0eM#f7e51fo#f7ce2fn#f8b840e#f9a151y #f98b62V#fa7472o#fa5e83u#fb4794c#fc31a5h#fc1ab5e#fd04c6r'
      - '#fb0000+#ef030d-#e20619-#d60926-#ca0c33-#bd0f3f-#b1114c-#a51459-#981765-#8c1a72-#801d7f-#73208b-#672398-#5a26a4-#4e29b1-#422cbe-#352eca-#2931d7-#1d34e4-#1037f0-#043afd+'
      - '&7Use this voucher to get &a$&6%arg%&7.'
      - '&7given to %player%'
      - '&2Right click to redeem.'
      - '#fb0000+#ef030d-#e20619-#d60926-#ca0c33-#bd0f3f-#b1114c-#a51459-#981765-#8c1a72-#801d7f-#73208b-#672398-#5a26a4-#4e29b1-#422cbe-#352eca-#2931d7-#1d34e4-#1037f0-#043afd+'
    glowing: true
#The commands that are run when redeemed if you dont want to use like player then just add [] in the list the whole list will be ignored like this.
#    player:
#      - 'balance'
#      - '[]'
      - 'eco give %player% %arg%'
      - 'balance'
#all messages regarding this voucher
      redeem: '&7You have just earned $%arg%'
      subtitle: '&6You have just earned $%arg%'
      action: '&6You have just earned $%arg%'
#permission to control who can use it
    permission: 'voucher.money'
#custom datafor texture packs
    custom_data: 11551
#whitelisted worlds
      - 'world'
      - 'world_nether'
      - 'world_the_end'
#The sound that is played
    soundtoggle: true
    titletoggle: true
    actiontoggle: true


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onJune 21, 2023
LicenseCC-BY-NC-ND 4.0

Pinned Versions
