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A simple plugin that tags players in PvP and kills those who disconnect to prevent combat logging.

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Version API Folia

CelestCombat is a lightweight yet powerful combat management plugin mainly designed for SwordPvP, preventing combat logging and ensuring fair PvP battles on Minecraft servers.

โœจ Features

๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ Core Combat System

  • Combat Tagging: Automatically tags players in combat for a configurable duration
  • Command Blocking: Prevents usage of teleportation and utility commands during combat
  • Item Restrictions: Disable specific items like Chorus Fruit and Elytra during combat
  • Ender Pearl Cooldown: Configure specific cooldowns for Ender Pearls during combat

Ender Pearl cooldown

Ender Pearl cooldown during PvP.

๐Ÿ’ฅ Visual Effects

  • Death Animations: Customizable lightning strikes and particle effects for player deaths
  • Combat Logout Punishment: Visual and sound effects when players log out during combat
  • Combat Timers: Clean action bar countdown display for remaining combat time

In Combat

In Combat Indicator during PvP.

๐ŸŒ Safe Zone Protection (WorldGuard)

  • WorldGuard Integration: Prevents players from entering safe zones during combat
  • Barrier System: Visual and physical barriers to prevent safe zone abuse
  • Anti-Exploit Measures: Death penalties for attempting to escape into safe zones

Safe Zone Barrier

Safe Zone Barrier during PvP.

๐Ÿ† Combat Rewards

  • Kill Rewards: Reward players with commands when they defeat opponents
  • Cooldown System: Prevent farming rewards from the same player with configurable cooldowns
  • Customizable Messages: Full control over all notifications and rewards

๐ŸŒ Multilingual Support

  • Includes both English (en_US) and Vietnamese (vi_VN) language files
  • Easily add your own language translations

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Administrative Tools

  • Manual Combat Tagging: Force players into combat with simple commands
  • Reload Configuration: Update settings without restarting your server
  • Update Notifications: Stay informed about new versions

๐Ÿ“‹ Commands

Command Aliases Description Permission
/celestcombat /cc, /combatlog Shows plugin command help None
/celestcombat reload /cc reload Reloads the plugin configuration celestcombat.command.reload
/celestcombat tag <player> /cc tag <player> Tags a single player in combat celestcombat.command.tag
/celestcombat tag <player1> <player2> /cc tag <player1> <player2> Tags two players in mutual combat celestcombat.command.tag

๐Ÿ”ง Permissions

Permission Description Default
celestcombat.command.reload Allows reloading the plugin configuration OP
celestcombat.command.tag Allows manual combat tagging of players OP
celestcombat.update.notify Receive update notifications OP

โš™๏ธ Configuration

CelestCombat offers extensive configuration options:

  • Combat duration and command blacklist
  • Customizable punishment effects and rewards
  • WorldGuard integration for safe zone protection
  • Fully customizable messages with RGB color support
  • Easy to understand YAML configuration files
๐Ÿ“„ Click to view sample config.yml
# Language settings (en_US, vi_VN)
language: en_US

# Combat settings
  # Duration of combat tag in seconds
  duration: 20

  # Commands that are blocked during combat
    - "logout"
    - "tpa"
    - "tpahere"
    - "afk"
    - "spawn"
    - "tpaccept"
    - "tpacancel"
    - "rtp"
    - "warp"
    - "warp spawn"
    - "warp shop"
    - "warp worlds"
    - "warp crates"
    - "warp afk"
    - "warp auction"
    - "home"
    - "team home"
    - "enderchest"
    - "ec"
    - "vanish"
    - "v"

  # Items that are blocked during combat
  # Available items: Foods, Potions and Elytra
    - ELYTRA

# Ender pearl cooldown (while in combat)
  enabled: true
  # Ender pearl cooldown duration in seconds
  duration: 10

# Combat logout punishment effects
  # Strike lightning at player location (visual only)
  lightning: true

  # Or NONE to disable sound

  enabled: true
  # Only play death animation for player kills
  only_player_kill: true
  # Enable/disable each
  # If multiple are enabled, random one will play each time
    lightning: true
    fire_particles: false

# Combat kill rewards
  enabled: true
    - "donutcratecore shards give %killer% 10"
    # Number of days before a player can receive rewards for killing the same player again
    # Set to 0 to disable cooldown
    days: 1
    # Whether to notify players when they kill someone on cooldown
    notify: false

# Config barrier for WorldGuard no-pvp region
  duration: 5          # How long the barrier stays in seconds
  height: 4            # How tall the barrier is
  width: 5             # How wide the barrier is

๐Ÿ“ฆ Installation

  1. Download the latest version of CelestCombat
  2. Place the JAR file in your plugins folder
  3. Start or restart your server
  4. Edit the configuration files to your liking
  5. Use /celestcombat reload to apply changes

๐Ÿ’ฌ Support

Need help with CelestCombat?


Published onMarch 29, 2025
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
