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Member since April 22, 202322 projects
Member since April 22, 202322 projects

srnyx's Plugins

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VehiclesCrafting by srnyx

Adds a customizable way to craft vehicles for the Vehicles Spigot plugin
Admin Tools
0 Stars 7 Downloads
July 4, 2024 07
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Pl3xMap-SuperVanish by srnyx

Hide players vanished with SuperVanish on Pl3xMap
Admin Tools
0 Stars 12 Downloads
June 27, 2024 012
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AnnoyingAPI by srnyx

General purpose API for my plugins. Just contains some utility classes and methods.
Developer Tools
0 Stars 15 Downloads
June 27, 2024 015
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AFKPlusDiscord by srnyx

Get AFK+ updates in Discord through DiscordSRV
Admin Tools
0 Stars 10 Downloads
February 5, 2024 010
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MajesticMaterials by srnyx

Configure specific materials to give players specific effects when consuming them
1 Star 7 Downloads
February 3, 2024 17
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ImpulsiveInventories by srnyx

Plugin that allows you to randomize and swap inventories
0 Stars 4 Downloads
November 8, 2023 04
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AirCannon by srnyx

Fundy's Air Cannon item but as a plugin for your server!
0 Stars 15 Downloads
September 25, 2023 015
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LimitedLives by srnyx

Each player has a limited number of lives. If you die, you are punished!
5 Stars 236 Downloads
August 19, 2023 5236
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SimpleChatFormatter by srnyx

A very simple plugin to format your chat!
0 Stars 10 Downloads
August 9, 2023 010
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ManyMobs by srnyx

Adds a command to summon multiple mobs at once.
Admin Tools
0 Stars 20 Downloads
August 5, 2023 020