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API for your minecraft server

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Requests - A REST API for Minecraft Servers

Requests is a PaperMC plugin that provides a RESTful API for Minecraft servers. With Requests, server admins can easily query and interact with their servers using simple REST semantics.


  • RESTful API for Minecraft servers
  • Query server information such as player count and server status
  • Send commands to the server
  • Authenticate requests using API keys
  • Easy to use and integrate


Requests exposes a RESTful API that can be accessed using HTTP requests. The base URL for the API is http://localhost:5000 and can be configured in config.toml.

salt = "change this"
prefix = "<light_purple>[requests]<reset> "

tokens = "tokens.db"
players = "players.db"

port = 5000
vault = false
luckperms = false


Requests uses API keys to authenticate requests. To generate an master API key, use the following command in the server console:

/api generate-key <name>

The <name> parameter is optional and can be used to give the key a custom name. The generated API key will be displayed in the console.

To generate an player API key, use the following command in game:

/api token new

To authenticate a request, include the API key in the Authorization header of the HTTP request:

Authorization: Bearer <api_key>

API Endpoints

Requests provides the following API endpoints:

GET /server

Returns the status of the Minecraft server.

GET /players

Returns a list of online players on the Minecraft server.

GET /player/<uniqueId>

Returns the information of a player.

POST /command

Sends a command to the Minecraft server. This route can be used by admin token only, and is disabled by default.

Example Requests

Get server status
GET /server HTTP/.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1
Get player profile
GET /player/<uniqueId> HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1
Send command
POST /command HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <api_key>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
User-Agent: Example Agent/0.0.1
Content-Length: 31

{"command":"say Hello, World!"}


To build Requests from source, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/theMackabu/requests.git
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository: cd requests
  3. Build the plugin using Gradle: ./gradlew shadowJar
  4. The built JAR file will be located at build/libs/requests-<version>-all.jar.


Requests is licensed under the GPL-3 License.


CategoryDeveloper Tools
Published onMay 9, 2023

Pinned Versions
