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Schedule tax collections and protect your economy with the most powerful and flexible tax plugin!

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Have questions? Visit the wiki or get help on discord:

https://i.imgur.com/dYXX5sg.png https://i.imgur.com/ZIMj2rG.png

What is QuickTax?

QuickTax is a powerful tax management plugin for your server's economy! It currently supports the following features:

  • Collect tax from all players
  • Collect tax from players by rank
  • Collect tax from players by balance
  • Collect tax from players by activity
  • Collect tax from a specific player
  • Collect additional tax depending on the number of claimblocks the player has (requires GriefPrevention)
  • Schedule real-time collection of taxes
  • Option to exempt players from taxes
  • Option to play sound to players on collection
  • Option for players to view next collection time
  • Option for players to self-pay tax directly to the server
  • Track/store player and server tax stats (YAML/MySQL)
  • Withdraw money from the server tax balance
  • Setup taxpayer leaderboard via signs and heads
  • PlaceholderAPI support (requires PlaceholderAPI
  • Fully customizable messages (with options for your own language files!)

You can find tutorials for the setup as well as more information on the wiki page below!


Like my work? Check out my other plugins below!


Published onDecember 11, 2023

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