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Chat Plugin with chat clearing, formatting, channels, staff chat, social spy, messaging, more

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Strings - Chat Plugin


* Channels


* World Channels

* Proximity Channels

* ChatColor

* Chat Formatting

* Staff Chat

* Help OP

* Chat Clearing

* Auto Broadcasts

* Custom join and leave messages

* Optional URL filter

* Messaging

* Social Spy

* Optional chat cooldowns

* Placeholder API support

* Vault support

* Highly Customizable


  • /broadcast - broadcasts a message to the server.

  • /clearchat - clears chat, optionally for all players with the argument "all".

  • /channel - sets your own active channel.

  • /channel join - lets you join a channel.

  • /channel leave - lets you leave a channel.

  • /msg - message a player.

  • /r - respond to a player.

  • /helpop - send a help op message.

  • /socialspy - toggle socialspy to monitor players messaging each other. Add a player to the end of any of the channel commands to have the command work on said player.

  • /chatcolor - change your chat color.


  • strings.* - all permissions.

  • strings.chat.colormsg - allows players to color their messages.

  • strings.chat.placeholdermsg - allows players to use placeholders in their messages.

  • strings.chat.clear - allows players to clear their own chat.

  • strings.chat.clear.others - allows players to clear all player's chats.

  • strings.chat.broadcast - allows sending broadcasts.

  • strings.chat.msg - allows players to directly message other players.

  • strings.socialspy - allows use of the /socialspy command.

  • strings.channels. - allows a player to use the specified channel.

  • strings.channel.modifyplayers - allows use of the /channel command on other players.

  • strings.helpop.receive - permission to receive HelpOP messages.

  • strings.helpop.use - allows players to send HelpOP messages.

  • strings.chat.bypasscooldow - allows players to bypass chat cooldowns.

  • strings.chat.chatcolor - allows changing your chat color.

  • strings.chat.chatcolor.other - allows changing other player's chat color.


Strings has a few optional dependencies

* Vault

* PlaceholderAPI

* A permissions plugin like LuckPerms

None of these are necessary to run the plugin, however, Vault allows prefixes and suffixes, and PlaceholderAPI makes more placeholders available to use. LuckPerms lets you set prefixes for players. If you want to customize player display names, my other plugin NameColor offers a few options. After installing this plugin, most things are disabled by default but are easily enabled in configuration files.


Contact me through my website or on discord (@wiicart).



Published onJuly 19, 2024
LicenseApache 2.0

Pinned Versions


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