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A modern Minecraft server hub core solution. Based on DeluxeHub by ItsLewizz.

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Akropolis is a modern Minecraft hub server solution that is based on DeluxeHub by ItsLewizz. It contains almost all of its features and configuration files are almost the same, so you can just drop your configuration into the plugin's directory, make a few modifications and use it.

The main difference between Akropolis and DeluxeHub is that Akropolis uses more modern technologies, like MiniMessage, the Paper API and updated Java versions. While this give us some performance and usability benefits, it also means that we won't be giving support to older versions of Minecraft and other Minecraft server software that isn't derivated from Paper, which is not the case of DeluxeHub. Simply use what you feel meets your needs.


  • World downloading prevention
  • Simple scoreboard and tablist functionality
  • Custom chat formats and cooldowns
  • Automatic broadcast messages
  • Custom hotbar items
  • Custom menus
  • Execute actions when something happens
  • Player join settings
  • World event settings
  • And more!


To use this plugin just download it right here or compile it yourself and drop it into your plugins/ directory. Take in mind that you will need to be running Paper 1.21+ so Akropolis can run properly. You can download Paper from here.

Report bugs or request features

Reporting a bug or requesting a feature can be useful for further development of the plugin. To do that you just need to fill one of the issue templates we made for you: Click here to report a bug or click here to request a feature.


Published onMay 4, 2023

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