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A powerful virtual economy system for MC

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A economy system for Minecraft. Ties your server's virtual economy together, acting as a robust 'core' for the economy, effortlessly handling any size server.

Quick Links

Documentation/WikiDiscord (Support & Discussion)

To-Do ListSource CodeIssue Tracker

Why use Polyconomy?

  • Works with VaultUnlocked, Treasury, and Vault (Legacy) APIs (FULL coverage).
  • Full TownyAdvanced support.
  • Simple configuration - works out of the box.
  • Familiar commands such as /baltop and /eco.
  • Multi-currency support.
  • Asynchronous data I/O.
  • Multiple database/flatfile options - including H2, JSON, YAML, and more planned (such as MySQL).
  • Strictly against 'bloat' features - the plugin should only do what it says on the tin.
  • Documented on the Wiki.
  • Discord Server to chat and ask for assistance.
  • Free and Open Source Software.


Polyconomy is currently in a beta stage of development; feel free to check the to-do list to see what will be worked on in the future. MySQL/MariaDB support, translations, Redis cache support, Velocity + BungeeCord support, and more!

You are highly encouraged to discuss and partake in Polyconomy's development: join the ArcanePlugins Discord guild. Please select 'other lokka30 plugins' role on join and use the channel under the same name to chat.


Polyconomy is Libre/Free Software as per the GNU GPL v3 License.

GNU GPL v3 Free Software

By using the software, you accept the license.

Australian Made


Published onJanuary 7, 2025

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