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Modern, multi-platform library facilitating integrations with economies and more

Report Treasury?


lokka30 released Treasury version 2.0.1-7417830-RELEASE on July 14, 2023

Thank you to HSGamer for contributing this update (#285). Additionally, thank you to montlikadani and 4drian3d for contributing to #277. Last and certainly not least, thank you to MrIvanPlays for writing most of this update's changes.

This update adds support for MiniPlaceholders, adds the EconomyProvider#findCurrencyByDisplayName API method, fixes some bugs and makes other minor improvements.

Full changelog:

  • Added MiniPlaceholders support (MrIvanPlays, montlikadani, 4drian3d)
  • Added EconomyProvider#findCurrencyByDisplayName API method (MrIvanPlays)
  • Miscellaneous platform detection fixes and improvements (MrIvanPlays, HSGamer)
  • Strip colours out of logging (MrIvanPlays)
  • General improvements to javadocs and code (MrIvanPlays, lokka30)


Published onJuly 14, 2023


Paper Paper (1.8-1.20.1)
Waterfall Waterfall (1.11-1.20)
Velocity Velocity (3.2)