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EchoPets replacment since 2015

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SimplePets is a simple companion/pet plugin, originally created as an Easy-To-Use replacement for EchoPets (Which at the time of its first development was still supported)

Now 6+ years later and it is now one of the best EchoPets replacements said by quite a few users that have used EchoPets in the past

Currently SimplePets is mostly used as a cosmetic plugin, Most servers use the pets as a reward for their players to either flex or to mess around with in their hubs.


As of December 30th, 2024

The requirements for SimplePets are:

* Must have at least Spigot 1.21 (or any of its forks)
* Depending on what version of minecraft you are using will affect what java version you need
* MC 1.17/1.17.1 - Requires Java 16 (Last supported build: 207)
* MC 1.18 -> 1.18.2 - Requires Java 17 (Last supported build: 215)
* MC 1.19 -> 1.19.4 - Requires Java 17 / 21 (Last supported build: 241)
* MC 1.20 -> 1.21 - Requires Java 17 / 21 (Last supported build: 263)
* MC 1.20.1 -> 1.21 - Requires Java 21 (Last supported build: 272)
* MC 1.21 -> LATEST - Requires Java 21


* Always updated to the latest MC version
* Always upgrading and improving the code
* Pet Riding
* Pet Hats
* Multiple Pets
* Plugin Addons
* Majority of the mobs can be pets
* Super easy to setup and use off the bat
* 95% customizable
* (majority of the messages are customizable excluding a few messages)
* Individual Pet names
* (Different types of pets can have their own individual name)
* MySQL Support
* SQLite Support

How to Install

1) Download the Plugin 
2) Open your servers plugins folder 
3) Drop the plugin jar into the folder 
4) RESTART your server 
5) Modify the config files 
6) RESTART your server to finalize the values
Pet Selection

In SimplePets we have a nice clean GUI that can be used to spawn the pets you would like. The GUI also has items that allows you to Ride your pet, Manage Pet Saves, Rename Pets And finally put your pet on your head


Pet Customization

All pets have data that can be customized the 'Pet Data Changer' GUI allows the players to easily modify their pets looks/data to what they want


Plugin Addons

Thanks to the v5 code base The plugin now can easily link into other plugins via Addons

These Addons can be installed manually via FTP Or they can be installed IN-GAME via '/pet addon'

New Addons are always being added


outdated youtube videos

@YouTube @YouTube @YouTube


Published onMay 5, 2023

Pinned Versions


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