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Modern Sit (Seat and Chair), Lay and Crawl - Plugin
Supports Spigot, Paper (+ all Forks), Folia Servers from 1.16 to 1.21.4!
* This is the ultimate Sit, Chair and Lay - Plugin which allows to sit on Stairs / Chairs
* Lay, Bellyflop, Spin & Crawl on the ground
* This Plugin contains a lot of settings and features that all can be changed by you in the plugin config and the language files
* Join the GPlugins Discord Server for the latest Updates and News
Special Features
- 100% customizable!
- Very good performance
- Sit on every block with "/sit"
- Crawl on the ground with "/crawl"
- Lay or Bellyflop on every block with "/lay" or "/bellyflop"
- You can let laying players snore without any Resource Pack!
- Spin around with "/spin"
- Simply right click on top of a seat (stair, slab or carpet) to sit there
- Create your own custom list of materials a player can sit on!
- Click on another Player to sit on him and stack up! (Must be enabled in the Config!)
- GriefPrevention, PlotSquared & WorldGuard-Area-Support!
- Perfect sit direction calculated from the placement of the seat!
- WorldGuard-Flags! ("sit" "playersit" "pose", "crawl")
- Return a player to the location where he started sitting!
- Set a customized Sit, PlayerSit or Pose Message
- Set the maximum distance between a player and the block!
- Placeholders from PlaceholderAPI ("playertoggle", "posing", "sitting", "toggle")
- And many more ...
more pictures
- /sit (/gsit) -> Sit on a Block
- /lay (/glay) -> Lay on a Block
- /bellyflop (/gbellyflop) -> BellyFlop on a Block
- /spin (/gspin) -> Spin on a Block
- /crawl (/gcrawl) -> Crawl on the ground
- /sit toggle/playertoggle -> Toggle the ability to rightclick Blocks or Players
- /gsitreload (/gsitrl) -> Reload the Plugin
OP-Permission: GSit.*
Update-Notification-Permission: GSit.Update
Config-Reload-Permission: GSit.Reload
Sit-Permissions (Default-Permissions marked Underlined):
- GSit.Sit -> Use "/sit"
- GSit.SitClick -> Click on a Block to sit down
- GSit.SitToggle -> Use "/sit toggle"
- GSit.PlayerSit -> Click on a Player to sit on him
- GSit.PlayerSitToggle -> Use "/sit playertoggle"
- GSit.Lay -> Use "/lay"
- GSit.BellyFlop -> Use "/bellyflop"
- GSit.Spin -> Use "/spin"
- GSit.Crawl -> Use "/crawl"
- GSit.Kick.* -> Combines "GSit.Kick.Sit & GSit.Kick.Pose"
- GSit.Kick.Sit -> Kick a sitting Player from his location
- GSit.Kick.Pose -> Kick a posing Player from his location
- GSit.ByPass.* -> Combines "GSit.ByPass.World"
- GSit.ByPass.World -> Ignore the WorldBlacklist
Known Bugs / Issues
If you discover any kind of Bug please instantly contact me on the GPlugins Discord Server, so i can fix this as soon as possible!
Here you can find some Videos in diffrent languges which show you the plugin with its features! Thanks to all of you who created and shared a Video!
Category | Gameplay |
Published on | April 24, 2023 |
License | GPL |
Downloads | 18,396 |
Stars | 101 |
Watchers | 67 |
Supports Folia
Pinned Versions