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A simple clans plugin for Minecraft. | With Folia Support |

Report ClansLite?


ClansLite is a light-weight clans plugin for Minecraft servers running Spigot or any of its forks!

ClansLite does not support any grief prevention tools such as land claiming, it does support customisable single chest protections.

Want to try out the very latest dev builds? [Click here] Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!

Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!

###/clan command Aliases: /clans, /c, /cl

The /clan command is the main command of the plugin, with /clan you can do the following:

  • /clan create - Creates A new clan if not already in one
  • /clan disband - If you are the clan owner, this will destroy your clan
  • /clan leave - If you are in a clan, this will remove you from it
  • /clan invite - Will invite a player to your clan if they are not already in one
  • /clan join - Will add you to a clan that you have been invited too.
  • /clan kick - Will kick a player from your clan
  • /clan info - Will display information about your current clan
  • /clan list - Will list all clans in the server
  • /clan prefix - Will change the prefix for your clan in chat
  • /clan ally [add|remove] - Will either add or remove an allied clan to yours.
  • /clan enemy [add|remove] - Will either add or remove an enemy clan to yours.
  • /clan pvp - Will toggle the friendly fire status for your clan
  • /clan [sethome|delhome|home] - Will set a clan home location or teleport you or your clan members to this location.
  • /clan transfer - Transfer your clan to another owner.
  • /clan playerpoints [listall] - View your current player point value or view all players points.
  • /clan points [withdraw|deposit] - Deposit or withdraw points from/to your clan.

###/clanchat command Aliases: /clanchat, /clanc, /cchat, /chat

The /clanchat command is for the sole purpose of utilising the per clan chat. The following syntax is accepted:

  • /clanchat - This will send a message to only the members of YOUR clan or the clan you are in.

###/clanchest command Aliases: /cchest, /cch, /cht

The /clanchest command is the base command to use the chest protection system, with /clanchest you can do the following:

  • /clanchest lock - Lock the single chest that you're looking at.
  • /clanchest unlock - Unlock the single chest that you're looking at.
  • /clanchest accesslist - See what players have access to that chest.
  • /clanchest buylock - Purchase a new chest lock or multiple.

###/clanchatspy command Aliases: /cs, /ccs, /spy

The /clanchatspy command allows admins to spy on the secret clan chats, with /clanchatspy you can do the following:

  • /clanchatspy - Toggle the clan chat spying ability.

###/clanadmin command Aliases: /ca, /cla

The /clanadmin command is purely for server admins only. 4 arguments are implemented which are:

  • /clanadmin save - which will save all current clan info to the clans.yml data file.
  • /clanadmin reload - This reloads the plugins config.yml & the messages.yml files from disk.
  • /clanadmin disband - This allows admins to delete any clans using the clans owner name.
  • /clanadmin disband byname: - This allows admins to delete any clans using the clans name.
  • /clanadmin info - This allows admins to see all the info about the provided clan.
  • /clanadmin playerinfo - This allows admins to see all the info about the provided player's clan.
  • /clanadmin visithome - This allows admins to visit the provided clans home location.
  • /clanadmin about - This give you an overview of the plugin's core information.



name: ClansLite
version: '1.5.3'
    description: Create, delete and manage clans!
    usage: "Usage: /clan [create|disband|invite|kick|info|list|prefix|transfer|ally|enemy|sethome|delhome|home|points|playerpoints]"
      - clans
      - c
      - cl
    description: View the top clans on the server.
    usage: "Usage: /topclans"
      - topc
      - tc
    description: Admin commands for clans.
    usage: "Usage: /clanadmin [save|reload|about]"
    permission: clanslite.admin
      - ca
      - cla
    description: Send a message to your clan members only.
    usage: "Usage: /clanchat <message>"
      - clanc
      - cchat
      - chat
    description: Allows admins to see ALL clan chat messages.
    usage: "Usage: /clanchatspy"
      - cs
      - ccs
      - spy
    description: Protect your clan chests.
    usage: "Usage: /clanchest [lock|unlock|accesslist|buylock]"
      - cchest
      - cch
      - cht


    default: true
    description: "The default tiered group size permission."

    default: op
    description: "The main permission that allows access to ALL ClansLite features (Admin features included)."

        description: "The admin permission that grants ALL admin features."
            default: op
            description: "The permission to use the `/clanchatspy` command and feature."
            default: op
            description: "The permission to receive in game notification if a plugin update is available."
            default: op
            description: "The ability to have an unlimited number of clan members."
            default: op
            description: "The ability to use the `/clan playerpoints listall` command to see all players points."

            default: true
            description: "The ability to use the `/clanchat <message>` command."

            default: true
            description: "The ability to use all `/clanchest` commands."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clanchest accesslist` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clanchest buylock` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clanchest lock` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clanchest unlock` command."

            default: true
            description: "The ability to use all `/clan` commands."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan ally` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan create` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan delhome` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan disband` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan enemy` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan home` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan info` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan invite` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan join` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan kick` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan leave` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan list` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan playerpoints` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan points` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan prefix` command."
                    default: true
                    description: "The ability to add colours and styling to the clan prefix."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan pvp` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan sethome` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan top` command."
                default: true
                description: "The ability to use the `/clan transfer` command."

            default: op
            description: "The master bypass permission that allows bypassing of ALL internal limits and protections."
                default: op
                description: "The ability to bypass the `/clan home` cooldown timer."
                default: op
                description: "The ability to bypass the `/clan home` warm up delay timer."
                default: op
                description: "The ability to bypass the `/clanchat <message>` cooldown timer."
                default: op
                description: "The ability to bypass the protections on any locked chests."
                default: op
                description: "The ability to bypass the friendly fire status set by a clan."



#                                        ----[ClansLite]----                                        #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                       ----[Contributors: TechnicallyCoded, GameKuchen]----                        #
#                                   ----[Plugin Config File]----                                    #
#ClansLite config for 1.5.3

#Do you want to use the GUI system? [Default value: true]
use-global-GUI-system: true

  #Set the minimum length of the clan prefix and name. [Default value: 3]
  min-character-limit: 3
  #Set the maximum length of the clan prefix and name. [Default value: 32]
  max-character-limit: 32
  #Set below names that are not allowed to be used in prefixes or names. [They ARE case & syntax sensitive]
    - "Owner"
    - "Admin"
    - "Mod"
    - "Staff"
    - "Helper"
    - "Gamers"
    - "Rise"
    - "Up"
  #Add a space after the clan prefix in chat. [Default value: true]
  prefix-add-space-after: true
  #Add `[]` characters before and after the clan prefix in the chat. [Default value: false]
  prefix-add-brackets: false
  #Below is how the above brackets should appear.
  brackets-opening: "&f["
  brackets-closing: "&f]"

    #Do you want players without a clan to have a global tag? [Default value: false]
    enabled: false
    #Below is the global tag for players without a clan. [Default value: "&7[&fNoClan&7]"]
    tag: "&7&o[I'm Lonely]"

  #Set the default maximum amount of members that can join a players' clan. [Default value: 8]
  default-max-clan-size: 8
  #To allow the use of a tiered permission system for clan sizes instead of the global amount, use the system below.
    #Enable the tiered system use. [Default value: false]
    enabled: false
      group-1: 4  #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group1' [This perm is given by default]
      group-2: 8  #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group2'
      group-3: 12 #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group3'
      group-4: 16 #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group4'
      group-5: 20 #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group5'
      group-6: 24 #Perm: 'clanslite.maxclansize.group6'

  #Do you want a message to be sent to all players when a new clan is created? [Default value: true]
  announce-to-all: true
  #Do you want the message sent as a title instead of a chat message? [Default value: true]
  send-as-title: true

  #Do you want a message to be sent to all players when a player joins a clan? [Default value: true]
  announce-to-all: true
  #Do you want the message sent as a title instead of a chat message? [Default value: false]
  send-as-title: false

  #Enable the clan chat system. [Default value: true]
  enabled: true
  #Below is the prefix for the clan chat messages. [Default value: &6[&3CC&6]&r]
  chat-prefix: "&6[&3CC&6]&r &b%CLAN%&r"
    #Enable the cool down on the '/cc <message>' command to prevent chat spamming (RECOMMENDED). [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Cool-down time in seconds. [Default value: 5 = 5 seconds]
    time: 5
    #Do you want players with the perm 'clanslite.chat.spy' be able to spy on all clan chat messages? [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Below is the prefix for th chat spy messages. [Default value: &6[&cSPY&6]&r]
    chat-spy-prefix: "&6[&cSPY&6]&r"

#Set the maximum amount of allied clans that can a clan can have. [Default value: 4]
max-clan-allies: 4

#Set the maximum amount of enemy clans that can a clan can have. [Default value: 2]
max-clan-enemies: 2

#Clan protections
    #Globally enable the clan friendly fire system. [Default value: true]
    pvp-command-enabled: true
    #Enable the ability for a player to bypass the pvp protection using 'clanslite.bypass.pvp'. [Default value: true]
    enable-bypass-permission: true
    #Globaly enable the clan protected chests system. [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Enable the ability for a player to bypass the chest protection using 'clanslite.bypass.chests'. [Default value: true]
    enable-bypass-permission: true
    #Allow protected chests to be broken by TNT explosions? [Default value: true]
    enable-TNT-destruction: true
    #Allow protected chests to be broken by Creeper explosions? [Default value: true]
    enable-creeper-destruction: true
    #Set the value of clan points required to purchase a new protected chest. [Default value: 250]
    clan-points-purchase-value: 250

#Clan & Player Points
    #Do you want players to get points when they kill another player? [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #How many points do you want the killer to get when they kill a non-enemy clan player? [Default value: 5]
    non-enemy-clan-point-amount-on-kill: 5
    #How many points do you want the killer to get when they kill an enemy clan player? [Default value: 10]
    enemy-clan-point-amount-on-kill: 10
    #Do you want to take the points given to the killer from the victims point balance if available? [Default value: true]
    take-points-from-victim: true

#Clan home system
  #Enable the '/clan [sethome|home]' system. [Default value: true]
  enabled: true
    #Enable the cool down on the '/clan home' command to prevent tp spamming (RECOMMENDED). [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Cool-down time in seconds. [Default value: 120 = 2 minutes]
    time: 120
    #Do you want to have a delay before teleporting the player to their clan home? [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #How long do you want the countdown delay to be? (In seconds) [Default value: 5]
    time: 5
    #Do you want the server to constantly check if the player moves when they have requested a clan home teleport?
    #[Default value: true]
    cancel-teleport-on-move: true

#ClansLite update system
  #Do you want to enable in game plugin update notifications? (Permission:'clanslite.update'). [Default value: true]
  enabled: true

#ClansLite general settings
    #Do you want to see notifications in console when the auto-save task runs? [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Do you want to see notifications in console when the auto-invite-wipe task runs? [Default value: true]
    enabled: true
    #Do you want to see a lot of debug messages in console when most actions are performed? [Default value: false]
    enabled: false



#                                        ----[ClansLite]----                                        #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                       ----[Contributors: TechnicallyCoded, GameKuchen]----                        #
#                                  ----[Plugin Messages File]----                                   #
#ClansLite messages config for 1.5.3

#Prefix for all messages.
prefix: "&6ClansLite&7: "

#Clan Creation Messages
clan-name-too-short: "&3Clan name too short - minimum length is &6%CHARMIN% &3characters."
clan-name-too-long: "&3Clan name too long - maximum length is &6%CHARMAX% &3characters."
clan-created-successfully: "&3Clan &6%CLAN% &3was Created!"
clan-name-already-taken: "&3Sorry but &6%CLAN% &3is already taken.\n&3Please choose another!"
clan-name-is-banned: "&3Sorry but &6%CLAN% &3is a &cBANNED &3name!\n&3Please choose another!"
clan-name-cannot-contain-colours: "&3Sorry, the clan name cannot contain '&' or '#' characters."
clan-creation-failed: "&3Clan &6%CLAN% &3was NOT created, please make sure you're not already in a clan!"
clan-created-broadcast-chat: "&6%CLANOWNER%&3 Created a new clan!\n&3The new clan is called &6%CLAN%&3!"
clan-created-broadcast-title-1: "&6%CLANOWNER%&3 Created a new clan!"
clan-created-broadcast-title-2: "&3The new clan is called &6%CLAN%&3!"

#Clan Disbanded Messages
clan-successfully-disbanded: "&3Clan was disbanded!"
clan-disband-failure: "&3Failed to disband clan - Please make sure you're the owner!"
clan-admin-disband-failure: "&3Failed to disband clan - make sure that the provided player is a clan owner!"
clan-not-found: "&3The provided clan name &6%CLAN% &3was not found!"
incorrect-disband-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clanadmin disband <clan-owner>&3."
incorrect-disband-by-name-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clanadmin disband byclanname <clan-name>&3."

#Clan Transfer Ownership Messages
clan-ownership-transfer-successful: "&3You successfully transferred your clan to &6%PLAYER%&3."
clan-ownership-transfer-new-owner: "&6%OLDOWNER% &3has transferred ownership of &6%CLAN% &3to you."
clan-ownership-transfer-failure-owner-offline: "&3Failed to transfer clan ownership to &6%PLAYER%&3!\n&3They may be offline."
clan-ownership-transfer-failed-cannot-transfer-to-self: "&3Failed to transfer clan ownership to &6%PLAYER%!\n&3The specified player cannot be yourself!"
clan-ownership-transfer-failed-target-in-clan: "&3Failed to transfer clan as the target is already in/owns a clan!"
incorrect-clan-transfer-ownership-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clan transfer <player-name>&3."

#Clan Invite Messages
clan-invite-no-valid-player: "&3Please specify a player to invite!"
clan-invite-not-clan-owner: "&3You must be a clan owner to invite people!"
clan-invite-self-error: "&3You can't invite yourself!"
clan-invitee-not-found: "&3Player &6%INVITED% &3was not found, make sure they are online!"
clan-invite-invited-already-in-clan: "&3Player &6%INVITED% &3is already in a clan!"
clan-invite-max-size-reached: "&3You have reached the clam members size limit &a%LIMIT%&3!"
clan-invite-successful: "&3You have invited &6%INVITED% &3to your clan!"
clan-invite-failed: "&3Failed to send invite to &6%INVITED%&3, this player might already have an invitation!"
clan-invited-player-invite-pending: "&3You have been invited to a clan by &6%CLANOWNER% &3- use /clan join"
clan-invite-request: "&6%PLAYER% &3would like you to invite them to your clan.\n&3Use &6/clan invite %PLAYER% &3to send the invite."
clan-invite-request-failed: "&3Failed to send request, check that the clan owner is online!"
clan-invite-sent-successfully: "&3You have successfully sent a request to %CLANOWNER%"
clan-invite-failed-own-clan: "&3Failed to send request, this is YOUR clan!"

#Clan Join Messages
clan-join-successful: "&3Successfully joined &6%CLAN%&3!"
clan-join-failed: "&3Failed to join &6%CLAN%&3"
clan-join-failed-no-valid-clan: "&3Failed to join a clan - no clan was found!"
clan-join-failed-no-invite: "&3Failed to join a clan - no invite was found!"
clan-join-broadcast-chat: "&6%PLAYER%&3 Has joined a clan!\n&3The player's joined clan is &6%CLAN%&3!"
clan-join-broadcast-title-1: "&6%PLAYER%&3 Has joined a clan!"
clan-join-broadcast-title-2: "&3The player's joined clan is &6%CLAN%&3!"

#Clan Leave Messages
failed-clan-owner: "&3You are the owner of a clan, use &6/clan disband&3."
clan-leave-successful: "&3You have left &6%CLAN%."
clan-leave-failed: "&3Failed to leave clan, please try again later."

#Clan Kick Messages
clan-member-kick-successful: "&3Player &6%KICKEDPLAYER%&3 was kicked from your clan."
clan-kicked-player-message: "&3You were kicked from &6%CLAN%&3!"
targeted-player-is-not-in-your-clan: "&3Player &6%KICKEDPLAYER%&3 is not in your clan."
could-not-find-specified-player: "&3Could not find player &6%KICKEDPLAYER%&3. They may be have not joined before."
must-be-owner-to-kick: "&3You are not an owner of a clan!"
incorrect-kick-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clan kick <member>&3."
failed-cannot-kick-yourself: "&3You cannot kick yourself, use &6/clan leave&3."

#Clan Prefix Messages
clan-prefix-change-successful: "&3Successfully changed clan prefix to &6%CLANPREFIX%&3!"
clan-prefix-too-long: "&3Clan prefix too long - maximum length is &6%CHARMAX% &3characters."
clan-prefix-too-short: "&3Clan prefix too short - minimum length is &6%CHARMIN% &3characters."
clan-invalid-prefix: "&3Please provide a new prefix. Use &b/clan prefix <prefix>&3!"
clan-prefix-already-taken: "&3Sorry but &6%CLANPREFIX% &3is already taken.\n&3Please choose another!"
clan-prefix-is-banned: "&3Sorry but &6%CLANPREFIX% &3is a &cBANNED &3name!\n&3Please choose another!"
clan-prefix-no-colours-permission: "&3Sorry, you don't have permission to use colours in the prefix."
must-be-owner-to-change-prefix: "&3You are not an owner of a clan!"

#Clan List Messages
no-clans-to-list: "&3No clans found!\n&3Create one using &b/clan create <name>&3!"
clans-list-header: "&7----- &6ClansList &7-----&r\n&3&lCurrent clans:&r\n"
clans-list-footer: "\n&7-----"

#Clan Info Messages
clan-info-header: "&7----- &6ClanInfo &7-----&r\n&3Name: %CLAN%&r\n&3Prefix: &7(%CLANPREFIX%&r&7)&r"
clan-info-owner-online: "\n\n&3Owner: &a%OWNER%"
clan-info-owner-offline: "\n\n&3Owner: &c%OWNER%&7&o(offline)"
clan-info-members-header: "\n\n&3Members: &3&o(%NUMBER%)"
clan-info-members-online: "\n&a%MEMBER%\n"
clan-info-members-offline: "\n&c%MEMBER%&7&o(offline)\n"
clan-info-allies-header: "\n\n&3Allied Clans:"
clan-ally-members: "\n&a%ALLYCLAN%\n"
clan-ally-members-not-found: "\n&aAlly not found\n"
clan-info-enemies-header: "\n\n&3Enemy Clans:"
clan-enemy-members: "\n&c%ENEMYCLAN%\n"
clan-enemy-members-not-found: "\n&aEnemy not found\n"
clan-pvp-status-enabled: "\n\n&3Friendly Fire: &a&oENABLED"
clan-pvp-status-disabled: "\n\n&3Friendly Fire: &c&oDISABLED"
clan-home-set-true: "\n\n&3Home Set: &a&oTRUE"
clan-home-set-false: "\n\n&3Home Set: &c&oFALSE"
clan-points-value: "\n\n&3Clan Points Balance: &a%POINTS%"
clan-chest-amount: "\n\n&3Current Protected Chests: &a%CHESTS%"
clan-total-allowed-chests: "\n\n&3Max Allowed Protected Chests: &a%MAXALLOWED%"
clan-info-footer: "\n&7-----"
not-in-clan: "&3You are not in a clan!"
target-not-in-clan: "&3The player &6%TARGET% &3is not in a clan!"
clan-info-not-found: "&3The provided clan was not found!"
incorrect-info-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clanadmin info <clanName>&3."
incorrect-player-info-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clanadmin playerinfo <player>&3."

#Clan top clans messages
  no-top-clans: "&cThere are no top clans currently."
  top-clans-header: "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r\n"
  top-clans-sub-header: "&6Top clan points:\n"
  top-clans-format: "&6%POSITION%. &e%CLAN% &7- &a%AMOUNT%\n"
  top-clans-sub-footer: "\n"
  top-clans-footer: "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r"

#Clan Ally Messages
added-clan-to-your-allies: "&3You successfully added &6%ALLYCLAN% &3to your allies!"
clan-added-to-other-allies: "&6%CLANOWNER% &3has added your clan to their allies!"
failed-to-add-clan-to-allies: "&3Unable to add &6%ALLYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
failed-clan-already-your-ally: "&3This clan is already your ally!"
failed-player-not-clan-owner: "&6%ALLYOWNER%&3 is not a clan owner!"
removed-clan-from-your-allies: "&3You Successfully removed &6%ALLYCLAN% &3from your allies!"
clan-removed-from-other-allies: "&3The clan owner &6%CLANOWNER% &3has removed your clan from their allies!"
failed-to-remove-clan-from-allies: "&3Unable to remove &6%ALLYOWNER%&3! Make sure they're you ally"
ally-clan-add-owner-offline: "&3Unable to add &6%ALLYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
ally-clan-remove-owner-offline: "&3Unable to remove &6%ALLYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
incorrect-clan-ally-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clan ally [add|remove] <clan-owner>&3."
failed-cannot-ally-your-own-clan: "&3You cannot be an ally with your &3&lOWN&r&3 clan!"
clan-ally-max-amount-reached: "&3You have reached the clan allies amount limit &a%LIMIT%&3!"
failed-cannot-ally-enemy-clan: "&3You cannot be an ally with an &c&lENEMY&r &3clan!"

#Clan Enemy Messages
added-clan-to-your-enemies: "&3You successfully added &6%ENEMYCLAN% &3to your enemies!"
clan-added-to-other-enemies: "&6%CLANOWNER% &3has added your clan to their enemies!"
failed-to-add-clan-to-enemies: "&3Unable to add &6%ENEMYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
failed-clan-already-your-enemy: "&3This clan is already your enemy!"
failed-enemy-player-not-clan-owner: "&6%ENEMYOWNER%&3 is not a clan owner!"
removed-clan-from-your-enemies: "&3You Successfully removed &6%ENEMYCLAN% &3from your enemies!"
clan-removed-from-other-enemies: "&3The clan owner &6%CLANOWNER% &3has removed your clan from their enemies!"
failed-to-remove-clan-from-enemies: "&3Unable to remove &6%ENEMYOWNER%&3! Make sure they're your enemy!"
enemy-clan-add-owner-offline: "&3Unable to add &6%ENEMYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
enemy-clan-remove-owner-offline: "&3Unable to remove &6%ENEMYOWNER%&3! Make sure the owner is online!"
incorrect-clan-enemy-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clan enemy [add|remove] <clan-owner>&3."
failed-cannot-enemy-your-own-clan: "&3You cannot be an enemy with your &3&lOWN&r&3 clan!"
clan-enemy-max-amount-reached: "&3You have reached the clan enemies amount limit &a%LIMIT%&3!"
failed-cannot-enemy-allied-clan: "&3You cannot be an enemy with an &a&lALLIED&r &3clan!"
added-enemy-clan-to-your-enemies-title-1: "&c&lYOUR CLAN IS NOW AT WAR WITH:"
added-enemy-clan-to-your-enemies-title-2: "&6%CLANOWNER%'s &cClan!"
removed-enemy-clan-from-your-enemies-title-1: "&a&lYOUR CLAN IS NO LONGER AT WAR WITH:"
removed-enemy-clan-from-your-enemies-title-2: "&6%CLANOWNER%'s &aClan!"
clan-added-to-other-enemies-title-1: "&c&lYOUR CLAN IS NOW AT WAR WITH:"
clan-added-to-other-enemies-title-2: "&6%CLANOWNER%'s &cClan!"
clan-removed-from-other-enemies-title-1: "&a&lYOUR CLAN IS NO LONGER AT WAR WITH:"
clan-removed-from-other-enemies-title-2: "&6%CLANOWNER%'s &aClan!"

#Clan Friendly Fire
enabled-friendly-fire: "&3You successfully &aenabled &3friendly fire.\n&3Your clan members can now pvp each other!"
disabled-friendly-fire: "&3You successfully &cdisabled &3friendly fire.\n&3Your clan members can no longer pvp each other!"
failed-not-in-clan: "&3You need to be in a clan first! Use &6/clan &3for details how."
friendly-fire-is-disabled: "&3Your clan has friendly fire disabled."

#Clan Chest Protections
chest-purchased-successfully: "&3You have &aSUCCESSFULLY &3purchased &6%AMOUNT% &3new clan chest/s."
chest-protected-successfully: "&3You have &aSUCCESSFULLY &3protected a new chest at: &6%X%, %Y%, %Z%&3."
chest-protection-removed-successfully: "&3You have &aSUCCESSFULLY &3removed a protected chest at: &6%X%, %Y%, %Z%&3."
block-targeted-incorrect-material: "&3Please look at a SINGLE chest block to use this command!"
chest-max-amount-reached: "&3You have reached the protected chest size limit for your clan. Your limit is: &a%LIMIT% &3chests!"
chest-owned-by-another-clan: "&3Sorry, that chest is already owned by &6%CLAN%&3's clan."
chest-owned-by-another-clan-name-unknown: "&3Sorry, that chest is already owned by another clan."
failed-chest-already-protected: "&3That chest is already protected!"
failed-chest-not-protected: "&3Sorry, you don't own that chest or it is not locked."
failed-not-enough-points: "&3Sorry, your clan doesn't have enough points to purchase &6%AMOUNT% &3new lock/s."
  header: "&7----- &6Players With Access To Chest &7-----&r\n"
  player-entry: "  &7>> &e%PLAYER%&7\n"
  footer: "&7----- &6Players With Access To Chest &7-----&r"

#Clan Homes
successfully-set-clan-home: "&3You &aSuccessfully &3set the clan home to your current location!"
successfully-deleted-clan-home: "&3You &aSuccessfully &3deleted the clan home!"
home-cool-down-timer-wait: "&3Sorry, you can't use that again for another &6%TIMELEFT%&r &3seconds."
failed-no-home-set: "&3Your clan does not have a home set!"
admin-failed-no-home-set: "&3The clan &6%CLAN% &3does not have a home set!"
failed-tp-not-in-clan: "&3You need to be in a clan first! Use &6/clan &3for details how."
timed-teleporting-begin-tp: "&3Teleporting to clan home...\n&3Please stay still!"
timed-teleporting-complete: "&3Successfully arrived at clan home."
timed-teleport-failed-player-moved: "&3You moved before you were teleported to your clan home! The teleport was cancelled."
non-timed-teleporting-complete: "&3Successfully arrived at clan home."
admin-in-correct-command-usage: "&3Unrecognised argument please use &6/clanadmin visithome <clan-name>&3."

#Clan Chat
failed-must-be-in-clan: "&3You need to be in a clan first! Use &6/clan &3for details how."
chat-cool-down-timer-wait: "&3Sorry, you can't use that again for another &6%TIMELEFT%&r &3seconds."
chatspy-toggle-on: "&3Toggled Clan Chat spy &a&lON&3."
chatspy-toggle-off: "&3Toggled Clan Chat spy &c&lOFF&3."

#Clan & Player Points
player-points-killer-non-enemy-received-success: "&3You killed &6%PLAYER% &3and won &6%POINTVALUE%&3 points!"
player-points-killer-enemy-received-success: "&3You killed &6%PLAYER% &3,they were a clan enemy and you won &6%ENEMYPOINTVALUE%&3 points!"
player-points-victim-non-enemy-withdrawn-success: "&3You died to &6%KILLER% &3and had &6%POINTVALUE% &3points withdrawn!"
player-points-victim-enemy-withdrawn-success: "&3You died to &6%KILLER% &3,they were a clan enemy and you had &6%ENEMYPOINTVALUE% &3points withdrawn!"
player-points-console-victim-point-withdraw-failed: "&6%VICTIM% &cdid not have enough points to remove when they were killed!"
player-points-victim-withdraw-failed: "&3You did not have enough points to be withdrawn when you died!"
player-points-list-command: "&3You currently have &6%POINTVALUE% &3points in your personal balance."
clan-deposit-points-success: "&3You successfully deposited &6%POINTS% &3points into &6%CLAN%'s &3account."
clan-deposit-points-failed: "&cFailed to deposit &6%POINTS% &cpoints into &6%CLAN%'s &caccount. &3You have insufficient points!"
clan-deposit-points-invalid-point-amount: "&cPlease provide an amount to deposit!"
clan-deposit-points-incorrect-command: "&cPlease provide a point value: &6/clan point deposit <amount>"
clan-withdraw-points-success: "&3You successfully withdrew &6%POINTS% &3from &6%CLAN%'s &3into your account."
clan-withdraw-points-failed: "&cFailed to withdraw &6%POINTS% &cfrom &6%CLAN%'s &caccount. &3Your clan has insufficient points!"
clan-withdraw-points-invalid-point-amount: "&cPlease provide an amount to withdraw!"
clan-withdraw-points-incorrect-command: "&cPlease provide a point value: &6/clan point withdraw <amount>"
clan-points-failed-not-in-clan: "&3You need to be in a clan first! Use &6/clan &3for details how."

#PlayerPoints command
all-points-list-header: "&7----- &6All Player Points &7-----&r\n"
all-points-list-entry: " &7>> &e%PLAYER%&7: &6%POINTVALUE%\n"
all-points-list-footer: "&7----- &6All Player Points &7-----&r"

#General Plugin Messages
clan-must-be-owner: "&3You must be the clan owner to do this."
function-disabled: "&3Sorry, that has been disabled. :("
no-permission: "&cSorry, you don't have permission to do that. :("
plugin-reload-begin: "&aBeginning plugin reload..."
plugin-reload-successful: "&aThe plugin has been successfully reloaded!"
plugin-reload-broadcast-start: "&aThe plugin is being reloaded, please do not use any ClansLite commands until completed!"
player-only-command: "&4Sorry, that command can only be run by a player!"
chest-location-save-failed-1: "&4The protected chest for &6%CLAN% &4could not be saved as the world value was null!"
chest-location-save-failed-2: "&cSkipping to next stored protected chest for &6%CLAN%&c!"
chest-location-load-failed: "&4The world &6%WORLD% &4could not be found! Skipping current protected chest for &6%CLAN%&4!"
saving-clans-start: "Saving clans data..."
save-completed: "&aClans saved!"
save-failed-no-clans: "&cSkipping saving of clans as &c&lNO &cclans are stored in memory!"
save-failed-no-users: "&cSkipping saving of clans as &c&lNO &cusers are stored in memory!"
auto-save-started: "&aAuto save task has started."
top-clan-points-cache-update-started: "&aStarted top clan points cache update task."
top-player-points-cache-update-started: "&aStarted top player points cache update task."
auto-save-complete: "&aSaved all Clans to file!"
usermap-auto-save-complete: "&aSaved all Users to file!"
auto-save-failed: "&4Failed to save clans.yml to file!"
auto-invite-wipe-started: "&aAuto invite wipe task has started."
auto-invite-wipe-complete: "&aCleared all outstanding clan invites!"
invite-wipe-failed: "&cFailed to clear all outstanding clan invites!"
clans-save-error-1: "&4Failed to save clans.yml to file!"
clans-save-error-2: "&4Check the console for errors!"
users-save-error-1: "&4Failed to save usermap.yml to file!"
users-save-error-2: "&4Check the console for errors!"
clans-load-error-1: "&4Failed to load data from clans.yml!"
clans-load-error-2: "&4See console for errors!"
clans-update-error-1: "&4Failed to update clans.yml file!"
clans-update-error-2: "&4Check the console for errors!"
clan-player-not-found-1: "&4Failed to find OfflinePlayer!"
clan-player-not-found-2: "&4Ensure that they have joined before!"

#/clanchat Command Responses
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r\n"
  - "&6ClansLite clan chat usage:\n"
  - "&3/clanchat <message>\n"
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r"

#/chest Command Responses
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r\n"
  - "&6ClansLite chest protections usage:\n"
  - "&3/clanchest lock\n"
  - "&3/clanchest unlock\n"
  - "&3/clanchest buylock <amount>\n"
  - "&3/clanchest accesslist\n"
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r"

#/clan Command Responses
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r\n"
  - "&6ClansLite usage:\n"
  - "&3/clan create <name>\n"
  - "&3/clan disband\n"
  - "&3/clan invite <player>\n"
  - "&3/clan join\n"
  - "&3/clan leave\n"
  - "&3/clan kick <player>\n"
  - "&3/clan info\n"
  - "&3/clan list\n"
  - "&3/clan prefix <prefix>\n"
  - "&3/clan transfer <player-name>\n"
  - "&3/clan ally [add|remove] <clan-owner>\n"
  - "&3/clan enemy [add|remove] <clan-owner>\n"
  - "&3/clan pvp\n"
  - "&3/clan [sethome|delhome|home]\n"
  - "&3/clan points [deposit|withdraw] <amount>\n"
  - "&3/clan playerpoints <listall>\n"
  - "&3/clan topclans\n"
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r"

#/clanadmin Command Responses
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r\n"
  - "&6ClansLite Admin usage:\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin save\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin reload\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin disband <clan-owner>\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin disband byclanname: <clan-name>\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin info <clanName>\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin playerinfo <player>\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin visithome <clan-name>\n"
  - "&3/clanadmin about\n"
  - "&7----- &6ClansLite &7-----&r"

#Update Notification
update-check-failure: "&4Unable to check for updates! - &c"
  1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
  2: "&cA new version is available!"
  3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
  1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
  2: "&aPlugin is up to date!"
  3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"



#                                        ----[ClansLite]----                                        #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                       ----[Contributors: TechnicallyCoded, GameKuchen]----                        #
#                                 ----[Plugin GUI Config File]----                                  #
#ClansLite gui config for 1.5.3

#This is the options for the ClanList GUI
  #What name would you like the gui to have?
  name: "&3Clans List"

  #Message sent when your on the first page.
  GUI-first-page: "&7You are on the first page."
  #Message sent when your on the last page.
  GUI-last-page: "&7You are on the last page."

  #Menu controls options
    #The name of the previous page icon
    previous-page-icon-name: "&2Previous Page"
    #The name of the next page icon
    next-page-icon-name: "&2Next Page"
    #The name of the close/go back icon
    close-go-back-icon-name: "&4Close/Go Back"

      #Do you want to use the Clan Name as the title for the icon: [Default value: true]
      #If below is 'false' the name will be empty.
      use-clan-name: true

    #This allows you to customise the lore text for the player head icons in the ClanList GUI.
      header: "&7----------"
      prefix: "&3Clan Prefix: "
      owner-online: "&3Clan Owner: &d"
      owner-offline: "&3Clan Owner &7&o(Offline)&3: &d"
      members: "&3Clan Members:"
      allies: "&3Clan Allies:"
      enemies: "&3Clan Enemies:"
      footer-1: "&7----------"
      action: "&d&oClick to send an invite request to this clan owner if online"
      footer-2: "&7----------"

#This is the options for the ClanJoinRequest GUI
  #What name would you like the gui to have?
  name: "&3Ask to join Clan?"

    #This allows you to customise the name text for the icons in the ClanJoinRequest GUI.
    send-request-name: "&a&oSend request to join?"
    cancel-request-name: "&c&oCancel and go back"


###Chat prefix ClansLite exposes a variable of {CLAN} to use in Essentials Chat or similar.

Simply add the {CLAN} placeholder into the chat.format string in the EssentialsX config.yml in the location you'd like it to appear in your chat. Reload EssentialsX or restart the server and the clan prefix should appear like magic!

###Placeholder API Full list of current available placeholders:

To be able to use these The latest release of PlaceholderAPI MUST be installed! Without it, only the {CLAN} will be available for use with EssentialsX Chat.

  • %clansLite_pluginVersion%

  • %clansLite_pluginAuthor%

  • %clansLite_baseServerVersion%

  • %clansLite_serverPackage%

  • %clansLite_clanName%

  • %clansLite_clanPrefix%

  • %clansLite_friendlyFire%

  • %clansLite_clanHomeSet%

  • %clansLite_clanMembersSize%

  • %clansLite_clanAllySize%

  • %clansLite_clanEnemySize%

  • %clansLite_playerPointBalance%

  • %clansLite_clanPointBalance%

  • %clansLite_clanChestMaxAllowed%

  • %clansLite_clanChestCurrentLocked%

  • %clansLite_topClanName_<number>%

  • %clansLite_topClanValue_<number>%

  • %clansLite_topPlayerName_<number>%

  • %clansLite_topPlayerValue_<number>%


###API Implementation ClansLite has a full featured API that allows any developer to access the internals of the plugin and add functionality that I haven't thought of yet!

To see how to use this, check out the ClansLite Wiki.

To Do

  • Add clan chat system - DONE v1.2.2
  • Add command tab completion - DONE v1.3.0-BETA
  • Add GUI system - DONE v1.3.0-BETA
  • Add blocked words list to clan chat
  • Add admin ability to visit clan homes - DONE v1.5.3
  • Add admin view of clan chats - DONE v1.3.9
  • Add clan chest protection system - DONE v1.3.9
  • Add ability for admins to delete clans - DONE v1.3.1
  • Add numerical value for clan members list - DONE v1.2.4
  • Add public announcement when a clan is created - DONE v1.2.4

Please report any issues and feel free to join my discord



Published onJuly 11, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
