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A simple GUI that shows admins information about all the players on the server.

Report PlayerGUIAdvanced?

Description: A simple GUI that shows admins information about all the players on the server. This can be very useful for admins and mods to quickly see at a glance certain attributes of any online player.

The plugin also offers several handy moderation features to help run your server, including a fully customisable visual ban and kick manager system and the ability to grant admins the use of /op or /deop independently using permission nodes.

With V3.4 onwards, the plugin now also adds API support for both 'SuperVanish' and 'PremiumVanish'. If you have either of these plugins installed, then it enables additional stats about the player to be shown and also sends the admin or mod into vanish when they teleport to the targeted player as well as setting them into spectator mode. If you do not have either of these plugins installed, then PlayerGUI will detect this and it will just run normally with the enhanced vanish features disabled.

As of V5.0 the plugin has now had a complete rewrite, this has allowed the plugin to now support servers with more that 54 online players! The reworked plugin uses a new menu manager system that now allows to tab complete commands. This rewrite also now allows the plugin to function more reliably and with the ability to more easily add features in the future!

As of V6.7.1 the plugin now also adds support for showing whether the player is vanished using EssentialsX. To make use of this, simply install EssentialsX alongside PlayerGUIAdvanced and the Ess Vanished: statistic will be automatically displayed in the PlayerListGUI.

As of version 6.6.0 I am dropping support for anyone still using the old PlayerGUI. I simply cannot maintain it any longer, sorry

Want to try out the very latest dev builds? [Click here] Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!

Want to discuss my plugin: Visit our discord channel https://discord.gg/crapticraft

Dependancies: None!

Soft Dependancies: SuperVanish PremiumVanish EssentialsX



Video graciously created by RAMShard


Commands: '/players' - Opens the main Player List GUI. '/actions ' - Opens the Actions GUI. '/punish - Opens the Punish GUI. '/pl show' - Sets the player out of vanish if either of the soft dependencies are installed. '/pl vanish' - Sets the player into vanish if either of the soft dependencies are installed. '/pl help' - Shows the in-chat help menu. '/pl reload' - Reloads the plugin config file.

Permission: 'playergui.*' - The ability to use all features of the plugin. 'playergui.use' - The ability to open the Player List GUI. 'playergui.mod' - The ability to open and use the Actions GUI. 'playergui.ban' - The ability to open and use the Ban or Punish GUI. 'playergui.op' - The ability to set a player as a server operator. 'playergui.deop' - The ability to remove a player's operator status. 'playergui.exempt' - The ability to be exempt from being banned using the Ban or Punish GUI. 'playergui.show' - The ability to for the player to set themselves out of vanish if either of the soft dependencies are installed. 'playergui.vanish' - The ability to for the player to set themselves into vanish if either of the soft dependencies are installed. 'playergui.help' - The ability to see the in-chat help menu. 'playergui.reload' - The ability to reload the plugin config file. 'playergui.update' - The ability to be notified if an update is available.

Default Configs:


#                                   ----[PlayerGUIAdvanced]----                                     #
#                                    ----[By Loving11ish]----                                       #
#                                   ----[Plugin Config File]----                                    #
#Do you wish to use the advanced GUI based moderation features?
Enable-advanced-GUI-features: true
#If the above option is false, do you want the plugin to run a command when clicking on a player?
Enable-simplemode-command: false
#Run command as console?
Simplemode-console-sender: false
#Please enter the command below.
#If an error occurs, try adding the '%target%' placeholder within the command strings below.
  - 'tell %target% You are being watched!'
  - 'kick %target% Get moderated on fool!'


#                                   ----[PlayerGUIAdvanced]----                                     #
#                                    ----[By Loving11ish]----                                       #
#                                ----[Plugin Messages Config]----                                   #
Simplemode-enabled-message: "&e[&bPlayerGUIAdvanced&e] &f- &cSimplemode has been enabled by an administrator!"

Player-list-menu-last-page: "&7You are on the last page."
Player-list-menu-first-page: "&7You are on the first page."
Player-list-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.use &4needed to run that command"

#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present
Actions-command-invalid-player: "&cThe player &e%target% &ccould not be found!"
Actions-command-no-player-provided: "&cPlease provide a player to moderate. /actions <player>"
Actions-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.mod &4needed to run that command"

#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present
Punish-command-invalid-player: "&cThe player &e%target% &ccould not be found!"
Punish-command-no-player-provided: "&cPlease provide a player to moderate. /punish <player>"
Punish-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.ban &4needed to run that command"

Help-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.help &4needed to run that command"

Reload-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.reload &4needed to run that command"

Show-1: "&4This command is only active if either SuperVanish or PremiumVanish are installed!"
Show-2: "&4SuperVanish: &dhttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish-be-invisible.1331/"
Show-3: "&4PremiumVanish: &dhttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/premiumvanish-stay-hidden-bungee-support.14404/"
Show-command-player-not-vanished: "&eYou are not vanished and are already visible to other players!"
Show-command-player-visible: "&eYou are now visible to other players"
Show-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.show &4needed to run that command"

Vanish-1: "&4This command is only active if either SuperVanish or PremiumVanish are installed!"
Vanish-2: "&4SuperVanish: &dhttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/supervanish-be-invisible.1331/"
Vanish-3: "&4PremiumVanish: &dhttps://www.spigotmc.org/resources/premiumvanish-stay-hidden-bungee-support.14404/"
Vanish-command-player-already-vanished: "&eYou are already vanished and are invisible to other players!"
Vanish-command-player-invisible: "&eYou are now invisible to other players"
Vanish-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.vanish &4needed to run that command"

Update-1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-2: "&bPlayerGUIAdvanced &c- A new version is available!"
Update-3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"

No-update-1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
No-update-2: "&bPlayerGUIAdvanced &a- Plugin is up to date!"
No-update-3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-check-failure: "&bPlayerGUIAdvanced &4- Unable to check for updates! - &c"

Player-only-command: "&4That command can only be executed by a player."

Plugin-reload-begin: "&aBeginning plugin reload..."
Plugin-reload-successful: "&aThe plugin reload is complete!"

Syntax-error-1: "&4Please provide an argument!"
Syntax-error-2: "&4pl reload"
Syntax-error-3: "&4pl help"

Targeted-player-op-successful: "&ePlayer %target% has been successfully made an op!"
Targeted-player-deop-successful: "&ePlayer %target% has been successfully removed from op!"

Successfully-kicked-player-chat: "&cYou kicked &d%target%"

Player-op-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.op"
Player-deop-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.deop"
Player-ban-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eplayergui.ban"

Target-ban-exempt: "&cThat player is exempt from bans!"

Disabled-GUI-Feature: "&cThis feature has been disabled by an admin!"


Help-1: "&e[---------------- &b[PlayerGUIAdvanced] &e-----------------]"
Help-2: "&f/actions <player> &7- &dThis command opens up the Actions GUI."
Help-3: "&f/punish <player> &7- &dThis command opens up the Punish GUI."
Help-4: "&f/players &7- &dThis command opens up the Player List GUI."
Help-5: "&f/pl reload &7- &dThis command reloads the plugin config file."
Help-6: "&f/pl vanish &7- &dThis command sets you into vanish."
Help-7: "&f/pl show &7- &dThis command sets you out of vanish."
Help-8: "&f/pl help &7- &dThis command shows this help menu."
Help-9: "&e[-------------------- &bPermissions &e---------------------]"
Help-10: "&f                               playergui.use"
Help-11: "&f                               playergui.mod"
Help-12: "&f                               playergui.ban"
Help-13: "&f                               playergui.op"
Help-14: "&f                               playergui.deop"
Help-15: "&f                               playergui.exempt"
Help-16: "&f                               playergui.vanish"
Help-17: "&f                               playergui.show"
Help-18: "&f                               playergui.help"
Help-19: "&f                               playergui.reload"
Help-20: "&f                               playergui.update"
Help-21: "&e[----------------------------------------------------]"



#                                   ----[PlayerGUIAdvanced]----                                     #
#                                    ----[By Loving11ish]----                                       #
#                                 ----[PlayerListGUI Config]----                                    #
#Player list GUI name:
Player-list-menu-title: "&bPlayer List"


#                                   ----[PlayerGUIAdvanced]----                                     #
#                                    ----[By Loving11ish]----                                       #
#                                  ----[ActionsGUI Config]----                                      #
#Actions GUI name:
#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present within the title name.
Actions-menu-title: "&bActions: %target%"

#Do you wish to use the GUI based /op feature?
Enable-op: true
#Do you wish to use the GUI based /deop feature?
Enable-deop: true

#Do you wish to use the GUI based player inventory view feature?
Enable-player-inventory: true
#Do you wish to use the GUI based player Enderchest view feature?
Enable-player-enderchest: true

#Do you wish to use the GUI based /mute feature?
Enable-mute: true
#Do you wish to use the GUI based /unmute feature?
Enable-unmute: true

Mute-command: 'mute %target% You have been muted by an operator'
Unmute-command: 'unmute %target%'

#Do you wish to use the GUI based /kick feature?
Enable-kick: true

Kick-command: 'kick %target% You were kicked by an operator'


#                                   ----[PlayerGUIAdvanced]----                                     #
#                                    ----[By Loving11ish]----                                       #
#                                    ----[BanGUI Config]----                                        #
#Do you wish to use the GUI based ban manager?
Enable-ban-manager: true

#Ban manager GUI name:
#If an error occurs, ensure that the '%target%' is present within the title name.
Ban-manager-menu-title: "&bBan: %target%"

Enable-ban-1: false
Ban-length-1-material: 'WHITE_DYE'
Ban-length-1-name: ""
Ban-length-1-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-1-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-1-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-1-command: ''
Enable-ban-2: true
Ban-length-2-material: 'WRITABLE_BOOK'
Ban-length-2-name: "&e&lWarn Player"
Ban-length-2-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-2-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-2-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-2-command: ''
Enable-ban-3: false
Ban-length-3-material: 'BLACK_DYE'
Ban-length-3-name: ""
Ban-length-3-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-3-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-3-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-3-command: ''
Enable-ban-4: true
Ban-length-4-material: 'BOOK'
Ban-length-4-name: "&e&lMute Player"
Ban-length-4-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-4-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-4-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-4-command: ''
Enable-ban-5: false
Ban-length-5-material: 'RED_DYE'
Ban-length-5-name: ""
Ban-length-5-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-5-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-5-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-5-command: ''
Enable-ban-6: true
Ban-length-6-material: 'WOODEN_AXE'
Ban-length-6-name: "&e&lTempban Player"
Ban-length-6-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-6-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-6-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-6-command: ''
Enable-ban-7: false
Ban-length-7-material: 'CYAN_DYE'
Ban-length-7-name: ""
Ban-length-7-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-7-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-7-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-7-command: ''
Enable-ban-8: true
Ban-length-8-material: 'FLINT_AND_STEEL'
Ban-length-8-name: "&c&lPerm Ban Player"
Ban-length-8-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-8-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-8-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-8-command: ''
Enable-ban-9: false
Ban-length-9-material: 'PURPLE_DYE'
Ban-length-9-name: ""
Ban-length-9-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-9-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-9-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-9-command: ''
Enable-ban-10: false
Ban-length-10-material: 'ORANGE_DYE'
Ban-length-10-name: ""
Ban-length-10-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-10-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-10-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-10-command: ''
Enable-ban-11: true
Ban-length-11-material: 'STICK'
Ban-length-11-name: "&eWarning"
Ban-length-11-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /warn <message> command"
Ban-length-11-lore-2: "&aThe message is as below:"
Ban-length-11-lore-3: "&dYou have been warned by a member of staff. Any further issues may result in a ban!"

Ban-length-11-command: 'warn %target% You have been warned by a member of staff. Any further issues may result in a ban!'
Enable-ban-12: false
Ban-length-12-material: 'PINK_DYE'
Ban-length-12-name: ""
Ban-length-12-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-12-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-12-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-12-command: ''
Enable-ban-13: true
Ban-length-13-material: 'FEATHER'
Ban-length-13-name: "&e1 Hour Mute"
Ban-length-13-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempmute <message> command"
Ban-length-13-lore-2: "&aThe messgae is as below:"
Ban-length-13-lore-3: "&dYou have been temporarily muted for repeated chat violation!"

Ban-length-13-command: 'tempmute %target% 1hour You have been temporarily muted for repeated chat violations!'
Enable-ban-14: false
Ban-length-14-material: 'YELLOW_DYE'
Ban-length-14-name: ""
Ban-length-14-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-14-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-14-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-14-command: ''
Enable-ban-15: true
Ban-length-15-material: 'GRASS_BLOCK'
Ban-length-15-name: "&e1 Hour Ban"
Ban-length-15-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempban <message> command"
Ban-length-15-lore-2: "&aThe message is as below:"
Ban-length-15-lore-3: "&dYou have been temporarily banned from this server for repeated rule violations!"

Ban-length-15-command: 'tempban %target% 1hour You have been temporarily banned from this server for repeated rule violations!'
Enable-ban-16: false
Ban-length-16-material: 'LIME_DYE'
Ban-length-16-name: ""
Ban-length-16-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-16-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-16-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-16-command: ''
Enable-ban-17: true
Ban-length-17-material: 'BEDROCK'
Ban-length-17-name: "&cPerm Ban"
Ban-length-17-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /ban <messgae> command"
Ban-length-17-lore-2: "&aThe message is as follows"
Ban-length-17-lore-3: "&dYou have been permanantly banned from this server :/"

Ban-length-17-command: 'ban %target% You have been permanantly banned from this server :/'
Enable-ban-18: false
Ban-length-18-material: 'GREEN_DYE'
Ban-length-18-name: ""
Ban-length-18-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-18-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-18-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-18-command: ''
Enable-ban-19: false
Ban-length-19-material: 'MAGENTA_DYE'
Ban-length-19-name: ""
Ban-length-19-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-19-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-19-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-19-command: ''
Enable-ban-20: false
Ban-length-20-material: 'GRAY_DYE'
Ban-length-20-name: ""
Ban-length-20-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-20-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-20-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-20-command: ''
Enable-ban-21: false
Ban-length-21-material: 'BROWN_DYE'
Ban-length-21-name: ""
Ban-length-21-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-21-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-21-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-21-command: ''
Enable-ban-22: true
Ban-length-22-material: 'PAPER'
Ban-length-22-name: "&e1 Day Mute"
Ban-length-22-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempmute <message> command"
Ban-length-22-lore-2: "&aThe messgae is as below:"
Ban-length-22-lore-3: "&dYou have been muted for 1 day for severe chat violations!"

Ban-length-22-command: 'tempmute %target% 1day You have been muted for 1 day for severe chat violations!'
Enable-ban-23: false
Ban-length-23-material: 'RED_DYE'
Ban-length-23-name: ""
Ban-length-23-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-23-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-23-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-23-command: ''
Enable-ban-24: true
Ban-length-24-material: 'STONE'
Ban-length-24-name: "&e1 Day Ban"
Ban-length-24-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempban <message> command"
Ban-length-24-lore-2: "&aThe message is as follows:"
Ban-length-24-lore-3: "&dYou have been temporarily banned from this server for severe rule violations!"

Ban-length-24-command: 'tempban %target% 1day You have been temporarily banned from this server for severe rule violations!'
Enable-ban-25: false
Ban-length-25-material: 'BLUE_DYE'
Ban-length-25-name: ""
Ban-length-25-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-25-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-25-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-25-command: ''
Enable-ban-26: true
Ban-length-26-material: 'ANVIL'
Ban-length-26-name: "&cIP-Ban"
Ban-length-26-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /ipban <message> command"
Ban-length-26-lore-2: "&aThe message is as follows:"
Ban-length-26-lore-3: "&dYour ip has been permanantly banned from this server :/"

Ban-length-26-command: 'ipban %target% Your ip has been permanantly banned from this server :/'
Enable-ban-27: false
Ban-length-27-material: 'LIGHT_BLUE_DYE'
Ban-length-27-name: ""
Ban-length-27-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-27-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-27-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-27-command: ''
Enable-ban-28: false
Ban-length-28-material: 'LIGHT_GRAY_DYE'
Ban-length-28-name: ""
Ban-length-28-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-28-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-28-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-28-command: ''
Enable-ban-29: false
Ban-length-29-material: 'ENDER_PEARL'
Ban-length-29-name: ""
Ban-length-29-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-29-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-29-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-29-command: ''
Enable-ban-30: false
Ban-length-30-material: 'BLAZE_POWDER'
Ban-length-30-name: ""
Ban-length-30-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-30-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-30-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-30-command: ''
Enable-ban-31: true
Ban-length-31-material: 'COBWEB'
Ban-length-31-name: "&e7 Day Mute"
Ban-length-31-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempmute <message> command"
Ban-length-31-lore-2: "&aThe message is as below:"
Ban-length-31-lore-3: "&dYou have been muted for 7 days for extreme chat violations!"

Ban-length-31-command: 'tempmute %target% 7day You have been muted for 7 days for extreme chat violations!'
Enable-ban-32: false
Ban-length-32-material: 'COCOA_BEANS'
Ban-length-32-name: ""
Ban-length-32-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-32-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-32-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-32-command: ''
Enable-ban-33: true
Ban-length-33-material: 'OBSIDIAN'
Ban-length-33-name: "&e7 Day Ban"
Ban-length-33-lore-1: "&aThis performs the /tempban <message> command"
Ban-length-33-lore-2: "&aThe Message is as follows:"
Ban-length-33-lore-3: "&dYou have been temporarily banned from this server for extreme rule violations!"

Ban-length-33-command: 'tempban %target% 7day You have been temporarily banned from this server for extreme rule violations!'
Enable-ban-34: false
Ban-length-34-material: 'SUGAR'
Ban-length-34-name: ""
Ban-length-34-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-34-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-34-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-34-command: ''
Enable-ban-35: false
Ban-length-35-material: 'MELON_SEEDS'
Ban-length-35-name: ""
Ban-length-35-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-35-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-35-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-35-command: ''
Enable-ban-36: false
Ban-length-36-material: 'PUMPKIN_SEEDS'
Ban-length-36-name: ""
Ban-length-36-lore-1: ""
Ban-length-36-lore-2: ""
Ban-length-36-lore-3: ""

Ban-length-36-command: ''
Filler-material: 'GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
Filler-name: " "

#Do you wish to have the banned player say a final message?
Enable-banned-player-message: true

Banned-player-message: "&cOh dear, I got banned! :-("

To Do:

  • Add a lang.yml for the ability to customise the plugins messages. - COMPLETE V5.2
  • Add the ability for the plugin to read HEX colour codes in messages. - COMPLETE V5.2
  • Reintroduce console commands that follow the new tabbed syntax. - COMPLETE V5.1
  • Recode the plugin to allow for a paginated menu system. - COMPLETE V5.0
  • Add a banned player message sent by the target as they are banned. - COMPLETE V4.1
  • Add a dedicated Punish GUI with /punish command for quick banning online players. - COMPLETE V3.9
  • Add permission node to make a player exempt to banning. - COMPLETE V3.8
  • Add the ability to change the ENUM material for each ban item. - COMPLETE V3.8
  • Add API compatibility with 'PremiumVanish' plugin. - COMPLETE V3.4
  • Add integration for EssentialsX to show if a player is Essentials vanished. - COMPLETE V6.7.1

This plugin was inspired by a plugin created by the owners of the Performium Server, this plugin is in NO way associated with the Performium server, its staff or owners.



CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onOctober 27, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
