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A Red Light, Green Light mini game based off the Netflix series Squid Games

Report RedLight-GreenLight?

Welcome to RedLight-GreenLight!

This is a simple recreation of the popular starting game from the Netflix series 'Squid Game'.

My plugin does not require the creation of any special arena locations to play. Simply set the lobby location in the config.yml, then set the arena spawn location within the config.yml and finally, set the floor of the winning zone to the block combination that you set in the config.

It's that simple!!

Want to try out the very latest dev builds? [Click here] Use the above dev build at your own risk! Please follow any and ALL instructions provided with EACH dev build released!


'/redlight join' - Join the game. (Alias: /rd join, /red join) '/redlight joinall' - Force all online players to join a game. (Alias: /rd joinall, /red joinall) '/redlight leave' - Leave the game if you're in one. (Alias: /rd leave, /red leave) '/redlight leaveall' - Leave the game if you're in one. (Alias: /rd leaveall, /red leaveall) '/redlight help' - Show in game chat help menu. (Alias: /rd help, /red help) '/redlight reload' - Reload the plugin config file. (Alias: /rd reload, /red reload)


'redlight.' - Grants all permissions (given to OP by default). 'redlight.command.' - The ability to use all game commands. 'redlight.command.joinall' - The ability to use the joinall command. 'redlight.command.leaveall' - The ability to use the leaveall command. 'redlight.bypass.gamemode' - The ability to bypass the gamemode switching. 'redlight.bypass.commands' - The ability to bypass the blocked commands list. 'redlight.bypass.joinwipe' - The ability to bypass the inventory wipe on server join. 'redlight.help' - The ability to view an in game plugin help menu. 'redlight.update' - The ability to be notified if an update is available. 'redlight.reload' - The ability to reload the plugin's config.yml.

Default Config:

#                                   ----[RedLight-GreenLight]----                                   #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                                   ----[Plugin Config File]----                                    #
#RedLightGreenLight config for version: ${project.version}

#Do you want players inventories to be wiped on join?
#This can bypassed using permission node 'redlight.bypass.joinwipe'
Wipe-inventory-on-join: false

#Do you want RedLight-GreenLight to handle server join spawn location (World/Server join lobby)?
Handle-player-join-spawn-event: true

#Do you want to send a welcome title for players joining the server?
Send-welcome-title: true
Welcome-player-title: "&a&lWelcome To RedLight-GreenLight!"
Welcome-player-subtitle: "&ePlease use /redlight join"

#Do you want to disable the plugin use in certain worlds?
#To not use this, comment out the world's listed below and add '[]' after 'Disabled-worlds:'
  - "world_nether"
  - "world_the_end"

#Do you want the player to be made invulnerable on join?
Join-player-invulnerable: true

#Do you want the player to be made invulnerable on game leave?
Leave-player-invulnerable: true

#Do you want to disable ALL hunger loss?
Disable-global-hunger-drain: false

#Do you want to disable hunger loss ONLY for players in a RedLight-GreenLight game?
Disable-in-game-hunger-drain: true

#World/server join lobby position
lobby-x: -233.0
lobby-y: 52.2
lobby-z: 24.0
lobby-yaw: 0.0
lobby-pitch: -0.0

#List below commands that are blocked during gameplay.
#This can bypassed using permission node 'redlight.bypass.commands'
#Any changes made to this list require a server restart or reload to take effect!
  - "/spawn"
  - "/home"
  - "/sethome"
  - "/back"
  - "/tp"
  - "/suicide"
  - "/gamemode"
  - "/gmc"
  - "/gmsp"
  - "/thru"
  - "/tpa"
  - "/tpask"
  - "/warp"

#                                       ----[ARENA SETUP]----                                       #

#How many players should be in the arena for the game to start?
Arena-start-size: 4

#How long do you want the game starting countdown to be? (In seconds.)
Game-starting-countdown-length: 10

#How long do you want the total length of the game? (In seconds. 300 = 5 mins)
Total-game-length: 300

#Set the arena starting position for the players
Arena-Start-x: -220.5
Arena-Start-y: 50.0
Arena-Start-z: 161.5
Arena-Start-yaw: 0.0
Arena-Start-pitch: -6.0

#Do you want the losers to spectate the game in progress?
Losers-spectate-game: true
#Set the location of the spectator spawn.
Arena-spectate-x: -220.5
Arena-spectate-y: 50.0
Arena-spectate-z: 161.5
Arena-spectate-yaw: 0.0
Arena-spectate-pitch: -6.0

#The following section sets the detection of the WINNING ZONE.
#Simply make the floor of the WINNING ZONE out of the below block combination.
#EXAMPLE: Block under player -          COAL_BLOCK
Top-trigger-block: COAL_BLOCK
Bottom-trigger-block: GOLD_BLOCK

#Below sets how long of a delay there is before the RedLight movement detection checks for movement.#
#This can be changed from '50 - 950'.  ANYTHING OVER 950 WILL CAUSE ERRORS!                         #
#                    DO NOT CHANGE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!                          #
RedLight-delay-checking-time: 600                                                                   #

#Do you want to run any commands when a player wins?
Run-win-commands: true
#Enter the list of commands to be run below. (All commands are executed by the console)
#Any changes made to this list require a server restart or reload to take effect!
  - "xp add %player% 10 levels"
  - "effect give %player% minecraft:speed 10 1"

#Do you want to run any commands when a player loses?
Run-lose-commands: true
#Enter the list of commands to be run below. (All commands are executed by the console)
#Any changes made to this list require a server restart or reload to take effect!
  - "effect give %player% minecraft:poison 10 0"

#Do you want players to be struck with lightning whn they loose?
Smite-losing-players: true

#                                   ----[RedLight-GreenLight]----                                   #
#                                     ----[By Loving11ish]----                                      #
#                                  ----[Plugin Messages File]----                                   #

#Game messages
Joined-game: "&aYou have joined the game.\n&aNow prepare to move only when told!"
Command-send-error: "&cSorry, that command cannot be run during gameplay!"
Failed-join-arena: "&cYou are already part of a game.\n&cUse &e/redlight leave &cto return to main lobby."
Successful-leave-game: "&aYou left the game and were teleported back to the lobby!"
Player-not-in-game: "&cYou are not currently in a &4&lRedLight&r&c-&a&lGreenLight &r&cgame!"
Waiting-for-enough-players: "&eYou are now in the queue to play.&r\n&eNow waiting for enough players to begin the game.&r\n&eUse &b/redlight leave &eto leave the game."
Game-already-running: "&cSorry there is already a &4&lRedLight&r&c-&a&lGreenLight &r&cgame running!"
No-game-running: "&cSorry there is not currently a &4&lRedLight&r&c-&a&lGreenLight &r&cgame running!"
Spectating-message: "&aYou are now spectating the arena! \n&aUse &b/redlight leave &a to return to spawn."

Round-end-title: "&eNo One Won The Game!"
Round-end-subtitle: "&a&lGG's All Round"

GreenLight-message: "&aGreen Light"
#Do you want the RedLight message to be sent as a title & in chat?
RedLight-title-enable: true
RedLight-message: "&cRed Light"

Game-start-title: "&a&lLet The Race Begin!"
Game-start-subtitle: "&bBeat everyone to the finish line!"

Game-win-title: "&6&lCongratulations!  You Made it!"
Game-win-subtitle: "&bLets wait and see who will join you"

Game-loose-title: "&c&lOOF You didn't stand still!"
Game-loose-subtitle: "&4Better luck next time!"

#Do you want the players to be shown a title when they leave the game?
Show-leave-game-title: false
Game-leave-title: "&a&lYou Left The Game!"
Game-leave-subtitle: "&eThank you for playing!"

Syntax-error-1: "&4Please provide an argument!"
Syntax-error-2: "&4redlight reload"
Syntax-error-3: "&4redlight help"

Plugin-reload-beginning: "&aBeginning plugin reload..."
Plugin-reload-successful: "&aPlugin reload complete!"
Reload-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eredlight.reload &4needed to run that command"
Disabled-world-message: "&4&lRedLight&r&c-&a&lGreenLight has been disabled in this world."
Joinall-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eredlight.command.joinall &4needed to run that command"
Leaveall-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eredlight.command.leaveall &4needed to run that command"

Update-1: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-2: "&bRedLight-GreenLight &c- A new version is available!"
Update-3: "&4*-------------------------------------------*"

No-update-1: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
No-update-2: "&bRedLight-GreenLight &a- Plugin is up to date!"
No-update-3: "&a*-------------------------------------------*"
Update-check-failure: "&bRedLight-GreenLight &4- Unable to check for updates! - &c"

Help-1: "&e[--------------- &b[RedLight-GreenLight] &e----------------]"
Help-2: "&f/red join &7- &dThis command joins the game."
Help-3: "&f/red leave &7- &dThis command leaves the game."
Help-4: "&f/red joinall &7- &dThis command adds all players to the game."
Help-5: "&f/red leaveall &7- &dThis forces all players to leave the game."
Help-6: "&f/red help &7- &dThis command shows this help menu."
Help-7: "&f/red reload &7- &dThis command reloads the config."
Help-8: "&e[------------------- &bPermissions &e---------------------]"
Help-9: "&f                               redlight.*"
Help-10: "&f                               redlight.help"
Help-11: "&f                               redlight.reload"
Help-12: "&f                               redlight.command.joinall"
Help-13: "&f                               redlight.command.leaveall"
Help-14: "&f                               redlight.bypass.joinwipe"
Help-15: "&f                               redlight.bypass.commands"
Help-16: "&f                               redlight.bypass.gamemode"
Help-17: "&e[---------------------------------------------------]"
Help-18: "&f                               Plugin Version: &a%version%"
Help-19: "&e[---------------------------------------------------]"

Help-command-no-permission: "&4You do not have the permission &eredlight.help &4needed to run that command"


Want to discuss my plugin:

Visit our discord channel https://discord.gg/crapticraft



Published onOctober 11, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
