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Infection Island, a Minecraft server plugin where each player has 3 lives and some mobs become zombified when they die

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The plugin used in the Infection Island youtube series

Features of the plugin:

  • Players have 3 lives when they start

    • Players on 3 lives have blue names and have the rank "Living"
    • Players on 2 lives have light green names and the rank "Infected"
    • Players on 1 life have dark green names and the rank "Zombie"
  • Some mobs come back to life as zombified versions after they are killed (they do not burn in day)

    • Zombified Pigs explode when killed
    • Zombified Sheep inflict the hunger effect when they attack you
    • Zombified Cows are slightly slower, but deal double the damage of other zombified animals
    • Zombified Chickens are as fast as a baby zombie
    • Zombified Spiders give poison when they attack you, and leave a lingering poison effect when killed
  • Zombified mobs also have custom textures with the resource pack if the player has Optifine (or another compatible custom entity textures mod).

    • The pack is enforced by default, but this and the pack url can be changed or disabled in the configuration

Rules and setup for the original series (You may choose to play differently):

  • Once every week for about 2-3 hours players all log on to the world
  • Everyone plays on a small island. Players can't leave the island as the world border covers it.
  • Living and infected players may not kill each other, but can build, trade and form alliances. Zombie players can attack anyone, including other zombies, and can grief and steal from bases, but other players can defend themselves or their builds if they do.

Players participating in the original series:

  • TBC


Published onNovember 15, 2023

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