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Run other servers/jars inside of Paper, Velocity or Waterfall servers, instead of having to buy a separate server host

Report Origami?


Origami is a plugin for Paper, Velocity and Waterfall servers, which can be used to run other jar files inside of your server or proxy, meaning you can do things like running a lobby inside of your proxy server, rather than buying separate hosts, or running multiple servers inside of the same service.

Note that any running servers you add using Origami will share resources with the parent server - But you may not always need all resources for something like Velocity, allowing you to use spare resources for low-intensity servers like a small lobby.


Download and add the Origami jar file to the plugins folder on your server, and the Origami folder will be generated inside the plugins folder when you load the server.


To create a program to run within a server, create a new folder e.g. Lobby inside of the plugins/Origami/programs/ folder, and place the jar file you want to run in there.

You should name the jar file executable.jar for now, but this can be changed later. For now, boot up the server and let the files generate.


The origami.yml file, generated inside of the plugins/Origami/programs/[name of your program] folder upon running the server, can be used to change various features of the program.

In this file, you can toggle:

  • If players with the permission origami.command should be able to run the command /origami [name of program] command [command] to run commands on the program
  • If the program's output should be displayed in the server console alongside the main console output
  • Startup arguments for the jar (here you can do things like add Aikar's flags if you are running a Minecraft server)
  • The name of the jar file to use
  • The stop command for the server - "NONE" simply kills the server (for Minecraft servers it is recommended you set this to 'stop')

If you experience any issues create an issue on the github page, or message me on my discord, cometcake575


Published onNovember 18, 2023
