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An Origins-Reborn addon for PaperMC servers, adding 6 new monster themed origins and 4 variants

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Origins-Monsters is an Origins-Reborn addon which adds 6 monster-themed origins, and 4 additional "metamorphosis" origins that certain origins can transform to and from.

Add this to the server plugins folder with Origins-Reborn and restart the server to begin playing with the new origins!

Origins added by this addon:

  • Creeper
    • Other creepers do not attack you
    • You can explode, sacrificing some of your health, by double tapping sneak quickly
    • You gain nausea and weakness when around cats
    • You cannot use a shield
  • Zombie
    • You have night vision when on land
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You burn in daylight
    • You are slower than humans
    • You lose hunger faster than humans
    • You can only eat meat (other foods provide no saturation and poison you)
    • Villagers are afraid of you, and will run away and refuse to trade
    • You can zombify villagers by killing them
    • You can transform into a Husk or a Drowned
  • Husk
    • This origin is unchoosable, you get it by staying in a warm biome like the desert for a long time as a Zombie
    • You can transform back into a Zombie by staying in the water for a long time
    • You have night vision when on land
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You are slower than humans
    • You are even slower if you are in a colder biome
    • You lose hunger faster than humans
    • You can only eat meat (other foods provide no saturation and poison you)
    • Villagers are afraid of you, and will run away and refuse to trade
    • You can zombify villagers by killing them
  • Drowned
    • Overrides the Drowned origin from Origins-Mobs if you have it enabled
    • This origin is unchoosable, you get it by staying in the water for a long time as a Zombie
    • You can transform back into a Zombie by staying in a warm biome like the desert for a long time
    • Left clicking with nothing or when holding a trident acitvates an ability where you can use channeling without lightning, and riptide without the rain. This has a cooldown of 60 seconds and lasts for 20 seconds.
    • You can see clearer underwater
    • Guardians don't attack you
    • You deal more damage in water
    • You can breathe underwater
    • You swim faster
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You burn in daylight
    • You lose hunger faster
    • You're slower than humans
    • You're even slower on land
    • You can only eat meat (other foods provide no saturation and poison you)
    • Villagers are afraid of you, and will run away and refuse to trade
    • You can zombify villagers by killing them
  • Skeleton
    • You have night vision when on land
    • You have infinite arrows
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You have a perfect aim with a bow
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You burn in daylight
    • You have 2 hearts less than humans
    • Your maximum saturation is halved
    • You can transform into a Stray
  • Stray
    • This origin is unchoosable, you get it by staying in powder snow or in a cold biome for a long time as a Skeleton
    • You can transform back into a skeleton by staying in a warm biome like the desert for a long time
    • You have infinite arrows
    • You take no damage from powder snow
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You have a perfect aim with a bow
    • All arrows you shoot inflict Slowness
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You burn in daylight
    • You have 2 hearts less than humans
    • You move slower in warmer biomes
    • You take double damage from all sources of fire
  • Warden
    • You can sense nearby creatures with a glowing outline
    • You can only see a few blocks, but can see a bit further with night vision
    • You deal double damage
    • You can launch a sonic boom by left clicking without holding anything (this is slightly shorter and weaker than the real Warden)
    • You have double the health of a human
    • You have natural defense without armour
    • You cannot use a shield
  • Wither Skeleton
    • Things you hit get the Wither effect
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You are immune to the Wither effect
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You have 2 hearts less than humans
    • Your maximum saturation is halved
    • You are immune to fire
    • Your natural spawn is in the nether
  • Piglin
    • Gold armour is as good as diamond and is unbreakable
    • You receive between 2 and 5 times the number of resources from bartering
    • Piglins will not attack you unless you attack them first, even if you break gold blocks or open chests
    • You have a perfect aim with a bow
    • Your natural spawn is in the nether
    • You can transform into a Zombified Piglin
  • Zombified Piglin
    • This origin is unchoosable, you get it by staying in the overworld for 15 seconds as a Piglin
    • Gold weapons are twice as powerful and are unbreakable
    • Nearby Zombified Piglins will fight for you if you attack something or are attacked
    • You can transform back into a piglin by eating a golden apple when you have the weakness effect
    • Undead mobs won't attack you unless you attack them first
    • You take more damage from Smite
    • You're slower than humans
    • You lose hunger faster
    • Your natural spawn is in the nether
    • You don't take any form of fire damage


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Published onJanuary 20, 2024

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