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A Paper plugin which adds PlaceholderAPI parsing for signs.
Commands & Permissions:
/papisign help [query] - papisign.help
/papisign set placeholder <side> <line> <placeholder> - papisign.set
/papisign set color <side> <line> <color> - papisign.set
/papisign reload - papisign.reload
# PAPISigns configuration
# The maximum distance to be searched for a sign.
# Making this value very high can result in lag
maxDistance: 5
# Placeholders which shall not be replaced
- "%balance%"
- "%balance_MrIvanPlays%"
# All configurable messages
# MiniMessage format is supported, LEGACY FORMAT IS NOT
not-a-sign: "<red>The block you're facing is not a sign!"
forbidden-placeholder: "<red>That placeholder is forbidden!"
line-change-success: "<green>Line changed successfully!"
color-changed-success: "<green>Color changed successfully!"
warning-placeholder-not-set: "WARNING: Placeholder not set. You may want to set a placeholder, otherwise the changes won't affect the sign in any way."
reload-success: "<green>Configuration reloaded successfully!"
# Messages of the /papisigns help command
# Colors are NOT supported
help: "Help"
command: "Command"
description: "Description"
no_description: "No Description"
arguments: "Arguments"
optional: "Optional"
showing_results_for_query: "Showing results for query"
no_results_for_query: "No results for query"
available_commands: "Available Commands"
click_to_show_help: "Click to show help for this command"
page_out_of_range: "Error: Page <page> is not in range. Must be in range [1, <max_pages>]"
click_for_next_page: "Click for next page"
click_for_previous_page: "Click for previous page"
# The colors of the /papisigns help are controlled here
primary: "gold"
highlight: "green"
alternateHighlight: "yellow"
text: "gray"
accent: "dark_gray"
Video representation (click on the image to open the video):
Category | Miscellaneous |
Published on | May 30, 2023 |
License | MIT |
Downloads | 84 |
Stars | 3 |
Watchers | 0 |
Supports Folia