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User friendly tag manager for LuckPerms

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Commands - Permissions - Config - Languages - Placeholders


On this page you can find all commands existing within PrefiX. Most commands require a permission before a player is allowed to execute those. You can find all permissions on the Permissions page.

If you have the permission prefix.other. You can enter behind the bold commands the playername of someone else to excecute this command on them.

Command Alias Description
/prefix /tag Main command
/prefix help Displays the help menu
/prefix reload Reloads the config
/prefix version Display plugin information
/prefix update Download and update to the latest version
/prefix list Displays avaible colors and formatting
/prefix reset Reset your prefix to default
/prefix <prefix> Change your prefix
/prefix color <color> Change your prefixcolor
/prefix name <color> Change your namecolor
/prefix bracket <color> Change your bracketcolor (If enabled)
/suffix list Displays avaible colors and formatting
/suffix reset Reset your suffix to default
/suffix <suffix> Change your suffix
/suffix color <color> Change your suffixcolor
/prefixtemplate list /prefix template list Displays available templates
/prefixtemplate reset /prefix template reset Reset your template to default
/prefixtemplate <template_name> /prefix template <template_name> Change your prefix to the pre-defined template