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User friendly tag manager for LuckPerms

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Commands - Permissions - Config - Languages - Placeholders


On this page you can find all permissions supported by PrefiX
All permissions are nested. This means if a player has access to a parent permission, all children are also allowed.

Permission Remark Description
prefix.* OP Gives the permissions for every command
prefix.other Gives the permission to change others prefix, prefixcolor and namecolor
prefix.admin OP Receive messages if there is a new version available and gives the permission to reload the plugin
prefix.blacklist Allows to use the blacklisted words
prefix.change Gives the permission to change their prefix
prefix.reset Auto Gives the permission to reset their prefix.
Permission is true when the player does have prefix.change
prefix.char Gives the permission to use multiple colors in their prefix by using the char '&'
prefix.list Default Gives players the permission to use /prefix list
prefix.color Gives the permission to change their prefix and name to all colors
prefix.color.name Gives the permission to use all colors for their name
prefix.color.prefix Gives the permission to use all colors for their prefix
suffix.list Default Gives players the permission to use /suffix list
suffix.change Allows to change suffix
suffix.reset Auto Gives the permission to reset their suffix.
Permission is true when the player does have suffix.change
suffix.char Allows to use multiple colors in their suffix by using the char '&'
suffix.remove Allows to remove suffix
suffix.color Gives the permission to use all colors for their suffix
prefix.templatelist Default Gives players the permission to use /prefixtemplate list
prefix.template Gives players the permission to use all existing templates
prefix.template.<template_name> Gives players the permission to use the specefied template

See below for all color specific permissions for the name and prefix
Permission Description
prefix.color.prefix.dark_blue Allows players to use a dark blue prefix
prefix.color.prefix.dark_green Allows players to use a dark green prefix
prefix.color.prefix.dark_aqua Allows players to use a dark aqua prefix
prefix.color.prefix.dark_red Allows players to use a dark red prefix
prefix.color.prefix.dark_purple Allows players to use a dark_purple prefix
prefix.color.prefix.gold Allows players to use a gold prefix
prefix.color.prefix.blue Allows players to use a blue prefix
prefix.color.prefix.green Allows players to use a green prefix
prefix.color.prefix.aqua Allows players to use a aqua prefix
prefix.color.prefix.red Allows players to use a red prefix
prefix.color.prefix.light_purple Allows players to use a light_purple prefix
prefix.color.prefix.yellow Allows players to use a yellow prefix
prefix.color.prefix.white Allows players to use a white prefix
prefix.color.prefix.gray Allows players to use a gray prefix
prefix.color.prefix.light_gray Allows players to use a light gray prefix
prefix.color.prefix.black Allows players to use a black prefix
prefix.color.prefix.magic Allows players to use a magic prefix
prefix.color.prefix.bold Allows players to use a bold prefix
prefix.color.prefix.italic Allows players to use a italic prefix
prefix.color.prefix.strikethrough Allows players to use a strikethrough prefix
prefix.color.prefix.underline Allows players to use a underline prefix
prefix.color.prefix.reset Allows players to reset the prefix
Prefix Bracket
prefix.color.bracket.dark_blue Allows players to use a dark blue bracket
prefix.color.bracket.dark_green Allows players to use a dark green bracket
prefix.color.bracket.dark_aqua Allows players to use a dark aqua bracket
prefix.color.bracket.dark_red Allows players to use a dark red bracket
prefix.color.bracket.dark_purple Allows players to use a dark_purple bracket
prefix.color.bracket.gold Allows players to use a gold bracket
prefix.color.bracket.blue Allows players to use a blue bracket
prefix.color.bracket.green Allows players to use a green bracket
prefix.color.bracket.aqua Allows players to use a aqua bracket
prefix.color.bracket.red Allows players to use a red bracket
prefix.color.bracket.light_purple Allows players to use a light_purple bracket
prefix.color.bracket.yellow Allows players to use a yellow bracket
prefix.color.bracket.white Allows players to use a white bracket
prefix.color.bracket.gray Allows players to use a gray bracket
prefix.color.bracket.light_gray Allows players to use a light gray bracket
prefix.color.bracket.black Allows players to use a black bracket
prefix.color.bracket.magic Allows players to use a magic bracket
prefix.color.bracket.bold Allows players to use a bold bracket
prefix.color.bracket.italic Allows players to use a italic bracket
prefix.color.bracket.strikethrough Allows players to use a strikethrough bracket
prefix.color.bracket.underline Allows players to use a underline bracket
prefix.color.bracket.reset Allows players to reset the bracket
prefix.color.name.dark_blue Allows players to use a dark blue nickname
prefix.color.name.dark_green Allows players to use a dark green nickname
prefix.color.name.dark_aqua Allows players to use a dark aqua nickname
prefix.color.name.dark_red Allows players to use a dark red nickname
prefix.color.name.dark_purple Allows players to use a dark_purple nickname
prefix.color.name.gold Allows players to use a gold nickname
prefix.color.name.blue Allows players to use a blue nickname
prefix.color.name.green Allows players to use a green nickname
prefix.color.name.aqua Allows players to use a aqua nickname
prefix.color.name.red Allows players to use a red nickname
prefix.color.name.light_purple Allows players to use a light_purple nickname
prefix.color.name.yellow Allows players to use a yellow nickname
prefix.color.name.white Allows players to use a white nickname
prefix.color.name.gray Allows players to use a gray nickname
prefix.color.name.light_gray Allows players to use a light gray nickname
prefix.color.name.black Allows players to use a black nickname
prefix.color.name.magic Allows players to use a magic nickname
prefix.color.name.bold Allows players to use a bold nickname
prefix.color.name.italic Allows players to use a italic nickname
prefix.color.name.strikethrough Allows players to use a strikethrough nickname
prefix.color.name.underline Allows players to use a underline nickname
prefix.color.name.reset Allows players to reset the nickname
suffix.color.dark_blue Allows players to use a dark blue suffix
suffix.color.dark_green Allows players to use a dark green suffix
suffix.color.dark_aqua Allows players to use a dark aqua suffix
suffix.color.dark_red Allows players to use a dark red suffix
suffix.color.purple Allows players to use a purple suffix
suffix.color.gold Allows players to use a gold suffix
suffix.color.blue Allows players to use a blue suffix
suffix.color.green Allows players to use a green suffix
suffix.color.aqua Allows players to use a aqua suffix
suffix.color.red Allows players to use a red suffix
suffix.color.pink Allows players to use a pink suffix
suffix.color.yellow Allows players to use a yellow suffix
suffix.color.white Allows players to use a white suffix
suffix.color.gray Allows players to use a gray suffix
suffix.color.light_gray Allows players to use a light gray suffix
suffix.color.black Allows players to use a black suffix
suffix.color.name.magic Allows players to use a magic suffix
suffix.color.name.bold Allows players to use a bold suffix
suffix.color.name.italic Allows players to use a italic suffix
suffix.color.name.strikethrough Allows players to use a strikethrough suffix
suffix.color.name.underline Allows players to use a underline suffix
suffix.color.name.reset Allows players to reset the suffix