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User friendly tag manager for LuckPerms

Report PrefiX?


Commands - Permissions - Config - Languages - Placeholders


PrefiX contains a language file in order to let you customize the messages.

Currently the following in-build languages can be choosen be changing the config option general.language.

  • en_US (English)
  • es_ES (Espanol)
  • nl_NL (Dutch)
  • uk_UA (Ukrainain)
  • ru (Russian)
  • zh_CN (Chinese - Simplified)

If you have your own language file and want to publish it you can create a pull request on GitLab or send it at the Discord Server.

# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
# PrefiX is made by martijnpu
# File generated in version v7.5
# For the default values for each message check the documentation:
# https://hangar.papermc.io/martijnpu/PrefiX/pages/Documentation/Languages
# +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+

prefix: "&ePrefiX &3➢ "

language: "English"
  header: "&6&m&l+-----------------&6&l= &ePrefiX &6&l=&6&m&l-----------------+&r"
  footer: "&6&m&l+------------------------------------------+"
    unknown: "&cDid you mean '/%COMMAND% help'?"
    usage: "&cPlease usage '%COMMAND%'"
    reload: "&6Successfully reloaded the config"
    reset: "&6Reset %TYPE%"
    changed: "&6Changed %TYPE% to &r%TAG%"
    removed: "&6Removed %TYPE%"
    reset-other: "&6Reset the %TYPE% of %NAME%"
    changed-other: "&6Changed the %TYPE% of %NAME%"
    removed-other: "&6Removed the %TYPE% of %NAME%"
    apply: "&6Changed %TYPE% color to %COLOR%"
    reset: "&6Reset %TYPE% color"
    target: "&6Changing the %TYPE% color of %NAME%"
    invalid: "&cInvalid color. Pick a color from '/prefix list'"
    apply: "&aClick to apply this to your %TYPE%"
    no-perm: "&cNo permission to use this for your %TYPE%"
    template-header: "&7&lTemplates:"
    force: "&cYou are already running a newer version than available. Use '&fforce&c' to update anyway."
    success: "&aSuccessfully downloaded the latest PrefiX version. Restart your server to apply."
    player: "&cPlayer '&6%NAME%&c' doesn't exists! (or is offline)"
    command: "&cAn error occur while executing this command. Please check the console for more info"
    need-target: "&cYou must target a player to execute this command!"
    blacklist: "&cYou've used a blacklisted word"
    length: "&cYou can not have more than %SIZE% characters"
    length-colorcode: "&cYou can not have more than %SIZE% characters excluding color codes!"
    character: "&cYou've used a wrong character!"
    colorcode: "&cYou can't use color codes!"
    hexadecimal: "&cHexadecimal format is disabled!"
    bracket: "&cBrackets are disabled by the administrator"
      command: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command"
      color: "&cYou are not allowed to use this color"
      target: "&cYou are not allowed to target others"
      disabled: "&cTemplates are disabled by the administrator"
      unknown: "&cTemplate '%TEMPLATE%' does not exist"
  help: |
    &6➢ &a/prefix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your prefix
    &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your prefix
    &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] &7- &eChange the color of your name
    &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors
    &6➢ &a/prefix reset &7- &eSet your prefix to the default value
    &6➢ &a/prefix bracket [color] &7- &eChange the color of your bracket
    &6➢ &a/suffix [text] &7- &eChange the text of your suffix
    &6➢ &a/suffix color [color] &7- &eChange the color of your suffix
    &6➢ &a/suffix reset &7- &eSet your suffix to the default value
  help-others: |
    &6➢ &a/prefix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's prefix
    &6➢ &a/prefix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's prefix
    &6➢ &a/prefix name [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's name
    &6➢ &a/prefix list &7- &eList of all available colors
    &6➢ &a/prefix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's prefix to the default value
    &6➢ &a/prefix bracket [color] &7- &eChange the color of someone else's bracket
    &6➢ &a/suffix [text] <name> &7- &eChange the text of someone else's suffix
    &6➢ &a/suffix color [color] <name> &7- &eChange the color of someone else's suffix
    &6➢ &a/suffix reset <name> &7- &eSet someone else's suffix to the default value