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Craft custom compasses that can teleport to their linked lodestones. Permissions fully integrated to craft, use & link.

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Telecompass is a plugin that allows players to craft special compasses that can teleport them to their linked lodestone.


  • Craft telecompasses which can teleport to their linked lodestone
  • Use permissions to decide which players can craft and use telecompasses
  • Custom resource pack, automatically sent to all players with the appropriate permission
  • Customisable crafting recipe
  • Customisable teleport cooldown time
  • Customisable XP cost to use the telecompass
  • Ability to teleport mobs with you
  • Particle effects and sound effects on teleportation


Telecompass supports the following permissions:

  • telecompass.view: allows players to view telecompasses with their custom texture (will automatically download a resource pack);
  • telecompass.craft: allows players to craft telecompasses;
  • telecompass.link: allows players to link telecompasses to lodestones;
  • telecompass.use: allows players to use telecompasses to teleport;
  • telecompass.cross-dimension: allows players to teleport across different dimensions.
  • telecompass.mobs: allows players to teleport mobs with them.


# A telecompasses can be crafted with the following recipe:
#     EXE
#     ECE
#     EEE
# where:
# - E: Ender eye
# - C: Compass
# - X: Echo shard
# The default material for X is "minecraft:echo_shard",
# but can be configured below
material: "minecraft:echo_shard"

# Cooldown between telecompass uses in seconds
cooldown: 5

# The cost of teleporting, in XP levels
# If the player doesn't have enough xp, it won't be able to use the telecompass
# Teleporting a mob or a player doubles this cost
# (default: 0)
xp_cost : 0

# The cost of teleporting through different dimensions
# This is added on top of xp_cost
# (default: 0)
xp_cost_cross_dimension : 0


Published onApril 4, 2024

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