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Avatar for TureBentzin


Member since January 1, 20238 projects
Member since January 1, 20238 projects

TureBentzin's Plugins

Avatar for TureBentzin

Core by TureBentzin

Multiplatform service for your network that manages databases, distributed objects, and multilanguage messages
Developer Tools
4 Stars 137 Downloads
March 23, 2023 4137
Avatar for TureBentzin

TeamChat by TureBentzin

Allow your ServerTeam to communicate with each other while playing on your network! No Setup is requierd!
0 Stars 15 Downloads
March 5, 2023 015
Avatar for TureBentzin

Scoreboard by TureBentzin

Coreboard - The simple scoreboard utility for the PaperCore
Developer Tools
0 Stars 39 Downloads
February 20, 2023 039
Avatar for TureBentzin

TimoCloudCoreIdentifier by TureBentzin

This simple plugin provides identification service for the Core when using TimoCloud
0 Stars 5 Downloads
February 18, 2023 05
Avatar for TureBentzin

EffectSteal by TureBentzin

MiniGame, that can be used as a standalone MiniGame or an SMP - easy setup via ServicesManager
1 Star 550 Downloads
January 10, 2023 1550
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CoinsAPI by TureBentzin

Very simple standalone mariadb based coins api
0 Stars 6 Downloads
January 6, 2023 06
Avatar for TureBentzin

CoreCoins by TureBentzin

CoinSystem for the Core (easy to use / no setup required)
0 Stars 20 Downloads
January 3, 2023 020

TureBentzin's Organizations

TureBentzin is not part of any organizations. 😢