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Avatar for Doctacosa


Member since April 25, 202310 projects
Member since April 25, 202310 projects

Doctacosa's Plugins

Avatar for Doctacosa

IOSync by Doctacosa

Synchronize the player data across multiple servers in a network
Admin Tools
3 Stars 23 Downloads
May 1, 2024 323
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IOTracker by Doctacosa

Track player visits through WorldGuard regions
Admin Tools
0 Stars 2 Downloads
November 23, 2023 02
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IOBattleStats by Doctacosa

Track all kinds of player gameplay statistics, not only from battles!
Admin Tools
0 Stars 9 Downloads
November 23, 2023 09
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IODeathSeeker by Doctacosa

Collect as many unique death messages as possible!
0 Stars 6 Downloads
April 26, 2023 06
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IORace by Doctacosa

A racing challenge - get as far as you can on foot!
0 Stars 3 Downloads
April 26, 2023 03
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IOGrindatron by Doctacosa

Find the item, return the item, every four hours. Enjoy the grind!
0 Stars 3 Downloads
April 26, 2023 03
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IOMawaba by Doctacosa

Manage warnings, kicks and bans on a network
Admin Tools
0 Stars 9 Downloads
April 26, 2023 09
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IOTrails by Doctacosa

Fun particle trails for players
0 Stars 18 Downloads
April 26, 2023 018
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IOServerMonitor by Doctacosa

Monitor servers and store status in a database
Admin Tools
0 Stars 11 Downloads
April 26, 2023 011
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IOLogger by Doctacosa

Chat and commands logging
Admin Tools
1 Star 16 Downloads
April 26, 2023 116

Doctacosa's Organizations

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